Android is not the easiest os to navigate for the average tech user. My experience with andriod is they start off working well but every time it would receive a major os update i had nothing but problems with multiple devices. All apple devices seem to work as there intended regardless os software version. This is my opinion from past experiences with both types of tablets and smart phones. The difference in price is irrelevant to me because time is money. And the amount of time i have spent on the phone or online trouble shooting the issues on my android devices far exceeds the additional cost of the apple product.
i use a macbook i prefer ipad
With Google security is an afterthought. Remember the scams associated with the early Android APPS. The same thing applies to Android security in phones and tablets. Information can be easily deleted from an iPhone by hitting reset, not so with Androids the information is still there.
i hate both of them
It is just so AWESOME!!!!!!
more apps, more stable!!