check over stripes.
It supports being different, standing apart, and telling us why we should dream big. Love him or hate him, kaepernick is right, dream big. not only that, i believe that all in all, nike has bette rlooking shoes, all adidas look the same, and yeezys are FINALLY coming away from theire(ugly) look, and copying balenciagas(bad thing). Its a close match up, and it all comes down to personal preference and/or what sport you play. I play football and basketball, so naturally, my clothes are geared towards nike. Not to mention the player deals, which they hae more, Jordan, Paul George, Kyrie Irving etc. I also like the technology behind the nikes, especially the adapt, but not neccessarily the "technology aspect:, but the sheer engineering behind them, better design, more comfortable,better put together(this includes materials), and you have to give credit to the airmax, for not only looking nice, but being way more comfy. I would love to debate with some of you, but i want to keep it friendly, and not cap spamming back and fourth
Nike's adds have celebrity athletes on them
last for a long time
its just totally better
better quality and cristiano ronaldo sponsores nike
just do it
nikes the goat
Its just better periodt
its stylish and attractive
Nike is beast Adidas is assdidas
Cus Nike has comfy shoes and they last longer. Adidas is just a trend mostly that's why its so popular in our generation. Most teenagers wear Adidas because its a trend.
I select Nike because I tis much more comfortable and it's ad was not too wird as for the Adidas one!
I wasn't into the Trump/Kap. Debate until Nike took a stand this isn't about the flag or football anymore. Its been forced to become more. I don't believe that Kap had the right while working for the NFL to make a stand while on there pay clock. but He did and we are as African Americans were we are.
It doesn't matter why the war was started the fact is we are in war. Let get up and do something about it.
nike is a better shoe
Cuz Nike is the best
Nike stan
just because of cr7
I see them much more, and they are not weird
Because they feel nice
cause nike are built for the boys !!!!
its better
because dey sick famalam
because its true
Nike has more excitement and thrill in their ads. And I like their athletes better than Adidas' athletes. Nike ads are more motivating like their slogan "Just Do It".
I see more Nike ads than I do Adidas
they give us humans definition on what they want us to know about the brand and we can understand it.
they are way better quality
I love nike
Nike is better!!
more good players
Because they are dope
I am not saying that Nike has better advertisements, however I do think that Nike gives a better looking and variety of shoes. I personally think Nike is more comfortable however if you are looking for personalized jerseys Adidas is the better brand to go to.
I do not usually watch advertisements by Nike or Adidas. However I will say Nike gives much more options such as width and customization. I also personally think Nike's products such as shoes look better. Although when I go on the Nike website it does not allow me to personalize soccer/futbol gear, but when I visit the Adidas website it does.
there better
they are cooler
non of ur bussiness
Nike uses more recognizable athletes and celebrities to endorse their products in American markets. Also, the product branding and logos are ubiquitous.
more attractive
I relate with them better
because nike is better
The style and comfortness of their sneakers. A lot of nike sneakers are highly fashinable with the latest clothing where as Adidas it is hard to coordinate with fashionable clothing. I look at Nike vs Adidas as Mercedes-Benz vs BMW. Two different styles but all depends on the persons taste. I prefer Mercedes-Benz; Classier look! :-)
because with the soccer ads it seems more intese. its a hard to choose because my favorite soccer athletes wear nike and adidas. like zlatan and gotze they both are good but they wear different cheats
its better
I Think Nike is the Best! **** Adidas!! Nike Rulzz!!!
because just do it
Nike is because it shows really good athletes and adidas doesn't
nike rules
The commercials and ads are excellent
because its good
Nike offers the best quality products on the market.
Nike is better 100%
Because their shoes are more style, design, more variety, and more advanced and would be more persuading to buy than an adidas shoe. I feel as if my foot would be more protected in a nike shoe rather than in an adidas shoe.
Nike soccer might not have as many shoes or shin gaurds to select from, but the items they do have are better quality than Adidas. Nike shoes almost never rip or tear, but Adidas shoes like Preadators or Adipures seem to tear often, or ware-out faster. Nike might not have the best color scheme but they have a boot for everyone, and they also have the option to custimize a pair of cleats. Nike has players like Kobe, and Cristiano Ronaldo while Adidas has Kevin Garnett, who is passed his prime. Nike's shoes are also more stylish, and well known.
they better
its better
Nike isn't necessarily higher performance, but it is definitely desirable for its innovation and looks
the shoes look better
they are comfortable and have good support. Nike shoes also have thin covering for flexibility and airing out your feet
cuz i like it ya buddy flip flops ya
Because Nike just really explains what the shoes have and why u should shoes Nike plus I'm a true Nike person at heart
more professional athletes
I like the comfort the the fit oh their shoes
Nike is way better than addidas.Addidas is so uncreative to copy nikes rosher with a flux.Nike looks the best,and is extremely comfortable.
coz i live thug life
I luv Nike
because they do
Because of their boots and the way they are designed
my review on the knuckle blaster 2000 is quite faint, for it has many remarkable features but some un realistic terrible bumps in the road. the main reason is i have an appointmeant at 12pm.goodbye.
just the shoe I prefer to wear!
Nike is the best!!!!!!
I love nike so sorry adder by tahjmere
they have bright colors and usually say their slogan " just do it ". They also have their big bright check mark.
Nike endorsed the best athlete of all times Bo Jackson
nike advertisements are more smart and has more effort compared to adidas advertisements.
because they make better shoes than adidas
Just is better
nike in general looks cooler and is more well know
I like them better
has a unique products and up 2 data fashion
because they just do
Because the ads are well put together and keep the same topic.
Michael jordan
Their style. Their technology. Their sales.
style and performance
they use celebs like ronaldo neymar and a whole bunch of famous players and invest lots of money on ads.
adidas has less choice of design but have messi luis suarez and little but very effective players
they r funnier and more creative
Because Nike Is Better
adidas sucks
Common I'm Fuckkin Horny!!!! LEO3184
Adidas Suck!!!
Ahahhah No One Is kiking me : LEO3180869494028848:8:8::88
Common How along Does It Take!?!??!
Haha I'm the promo guy!!!!
I just really love the promo videos
Star athletes, Celebrities, you name it! Nike has outdone Adidas!
Nike is swaggeir and i have more nike shoes than adidas shoes so i hav more experience with Nike and so it is obviously better and Alien snake predator alien alien alien alien shoe Nike swag #swagisbetter
Nike is much better than adidas yes nike is much more expansive than adidas buy hey you are paying for better quality shoes Jordans are also the reason nike brings in so much customers !!!!!
because they involve consumers emotionally to buy their products
just do it
Looks more interesting and more interesting products.
Nike's ad add for HYPERVENOMS is awesome
I like the quality and disaign of this production
Nikes cool
because i can amd nike is so much better
I love Nike
They're Nike shoes
they are more inspirational and have all of my favorite athletes!
Nike shoes and Jordan Brand shoes are the best of all time hands down!
because i like it better
i like the golf advert
Because they always have that "wow" factor when you watch them.
their cool
addidas is for scrubs
I love Nike!
Not even a mathchup.
because i really like the shirt swag dont come cheap
they are hot.
nike is better and always will be.... i like their old school stuff
Nike > Adidas
because thats what i think.!
Two words: Michael Jordan.
because they have sick footy boots
Because they have better and more famous people in their ads, and that the nike swoosh i think sells them more products then adidas. Nike nation is the best!!!!
because i like it
nike has uncooked shoes
check means good! :)
in nike, everything you need is already inside.
i can see nike has a better wow impact to people than adidas.
because all you have to do is "Just Do It"
nike is better than adidas because of its quality of materials used.
Nike has the most amount of basketball players and the most successful like Michael Jordan and their ads are very interesting
Nike is more known and worn more.
Just Do It
Because Nike is awesome Adidas sucks really bad though their shoes look ok
They're better.
air max
its cool :D
all the way nike
More enspiring, they make you want to become even better. Best ads ever
because you fat
Because it got swaqq
more famous people on the're ads and more interesting!
nike is simply the better brand
it makes it look like you would want to wear it and be seen it it for a great price!
Ther much more colorful can interesting
because theres is like a story of life evry time, adidas is like hey lets party all nite and with friends it doesnty have a message
because :)
More NBA players goes with Nike. i personally prefer Nike than Adidas because it's more confortable.
better athletes advertising the brand
they are better than stupid addidas and way cooler too
because this is related with my name niket
what ads does adidas run?
Their soccer commercials are much better- especially during the Nike-Ronaldinho era
because im SoNike
Nike just my type.
i chose Nike because when i play soccer i use one and it makes me feel very comfortable in playing
Nike remains firmly focused on the domestic market, although it has made inroads into the lucrative international soccer market fairly recently. The company is also considered largely responsible for the frenzy of athlete sponsorship that the industry is known for today. All of this ties in with Nike's dominance of the advertising and marketing aspects of the business, a hold that the company will likely retain for the foreseeable future.
Adidas on the other hand has traditionally focused on the European market, although it is a formidable name in the rest of the world as well. This is mainly due to the company's affiliation with soccer, which is widely considered to be "the" International sport. The company has recently taken steps to increase its marketing and advertising budget, and has even made inroads into the lucrative sports equipment and sportswear markets.
Outsourcing Policies
becaus they have better quality and intrest rates
I only say Nike because those are the shoes I started out running in. Although both a respectable companies, Nike is just more geared towards runners. I, however, run with Sauconys.
nike doesnt have any dumb raps or singing in them
They are the most beautiful and effective shoes. :)
Just Do It.
Nike has much better quality, whether in shirts, shorts, socks, or shoes. Adidas has never supported me like Nike has and is cheaper too.
Nike is beast its way better than Adidas
why is not even a question nike is definitely the best among the two even though adidas is almost closer.....
advertised by celebrity's such as kobe and work together with athletes
they have more ads
cause they look better and they sell more nike is the best
I love NIKE!!!!
adidas are weird retro-ish
It tells more of a story and captures my attention better.
nike has the innovative ideas to make the peoples to push forward into there field...
always best
I prefer nike. Addidas sucks.
Better ads and come out with shoes more frequently but adidas comes out ith shoes only every once in a while but they turn out bieng amazing
Nike is more creative than Adidas
They just do.
its much better........
nike has more swag!
Nike has more funny ads.
I selected this option because nike has a better marketing campaign, and they sponsor some of the best athletes in the world, and to top that their logo is unique, not boring.
they seem to have spent more time thinking about which gruop they are targeting. and are therefor able to aim their marketing towards the right gruop of people
SIMPLE THE BEST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
adidas sucks ****
they are better duhh
because nike is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!
I've never seen an ad for Adidas on television or the internet.
tbey are better that why
because I am doing a project on it.
I think Nike has better ads because of it's commercial's on t.v. They have billboards saying just do it and its just really interesting because they have a fine line of variety.
Just Do It
love it
i like nike by the look of the shoes and how goog it is in football
They are boss.
I like nike in shoes and stuff but I like adidas in clothings.
Nike is the bomb diggity
WEELLL so tell me y i rock nike nd adidas
Better quality
Because Nike is way better than Adidas
it ist soo cool
nike's ad are motivating me all the time!
The Brazilian Soccer commericals are funny
just cool!
nike has far better quality thn adidas or any other brans
because they're awesome
I like the Nike Pro Combat Uniforms, also the ads just are more appealing.
They place top athletes in their commercials which catches the eye of many people who aspire to play like the pros and look like the pros thus they buy what the top athletes wear.. BOOM!! ( nike said it)
but nike
nike couse da logo is better and more famous..
bcoz of its excellent quality!
Nike has better inspiration
i love nikes
because it is more comfortable
because i like nike
Nike shoes last longer, and are more comfortable and look sweet. Adidas on the other hand doesnt look very comfortable or sweet, but cheap plastic
cuz its better
no comments
Nike the freakin' awesome brand...using by myself for almost 12 years!
it´s just clearly nike!
ibahti qkata ybyvka
You see more famous celebrities wearing Nike. Kobe, LeBron, Dwyane Wade, MJ, etc. Adidas only has Derrick Rose and Dwight Howard. Only listing basketball.
ADIDAS = After Dinner I Did A ****
it is ok
I love Nike Advertisement.....
nike ads have always attracted me more... maybe because of their fancy products
nike more cuality
more style
and more comfort
better foot support
better stability than addidas
it's cool
you don't see many adidas adds in the US, and the ones you do see are not very good.
Because i chan remember ads about nuke bu not adidas
nike for life
more comfortable amd has more selections.
I don't play soccer or tennis
I prefer adidas'clothes but I think Nike's shoes are the best. They are more confortable and sophisticated than Adidas's.
better performance and look
i just adore Nike
it lokks so interesting
I think nike is a better sneaker than adidas.
nike is more stylish, comfortable, long lasting, customer oriented
Nike is more hard core on its ads, however, I really like adidas new ad!! Even though adidas has a more plain web design and nike more rough
becouse i prefer nike
Kobe expalins everything. Same with Cristiano Ronaldo on football.
Much better advertising! I really don't remember seeing anything on TV or in ads that caught my eye for Adidas.
Nike uses their slogan "Just Do It" and people remember this!
Great product!
so nice
they look better
because the best and most beautiful nike :)
I like Nike's spokesman~~
coz its cool
The advertisement of nike is memorable
Nike always turn up wid thrilling ads endorsed by sports celebrity....
i selected this option because it is better looking and they feel great on my feet. Also because they are more expensive but the are a great brand
it's just better
they put well know atlethes in there commercials
they are mare funny
Nike has always come in ahead of Adidas in terms of celebrity sponsorships, although to its credit, Adidas has taken considerable steps to narrow the gap. Nike still has the edge over its competition in terms of sales however, and it remains to be seen whether Adidas will catch up any time soon.
Nike has changed its shoe to fit public wants over the year as Adidas still stays retro. Nike shoes seem more "fresh" and eye candy appeal
nike are the best shoes to wear anywhere.
better ads trailers shoes eg nike air ctr 360 max 95 prestige to low. also footballers such as zidane ronaldiniho ronaldo messi toress all sponser also clothes tracksuits are all better adidas is ripoff nike all the way !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nike advertises in ways that catch peoples attention. The commericals and store itself is very motivational.
AWESOME STLYE MAN!!! LUV the AIR Forces!!!!!
I can't even think of an adidas ad of the top of my head. That should say something
they made jordan
theylast longer more comforatable and fit my foot size better
Ronaldo kicks ****
i rock nike
cuz their beast
nike all day
they go after well known professional athletes and addidas seems to only endorse well known soccer players
Nike has more style to every thing they create
adidas is ****
nike has the best shoes ever including the nike shox and nike airs the only shoe brand i order from is nike there the best
Quality, looks, custom design.
no explination. nike all day
better quality and also design
Nike has pros and high def stuff while adidas is german brand that sucks