because it is faster
BMW is just more Luxury than any other cars
According to the company profit it is safe to say that BMW "dominates" Mercedes, eventhough both companies have enough money to buy one another(according to a salesman in Germany,Munich he also added that over 900 BMWs are made everyday with custom).
Best Motor vehicle World wide
^ ^ ^
i love it
bmw is fast and comfort drive
all of the reasons
cuz ****
faster car
I think BMW is better, because you usually have to go with an AMG to meet the standard of options and power in a BMW. For example every BMW comes with hood shocks and dubble latch hood!
Because I have owned both luxury vehicles. Although M-Benz has more bells & whistles, it was always in the repair shop where you are nickled and dimed for everything. Not worth the money. My BMW has been service free and really thrills!
BMW built as a sport car
The car is peculiar samehow
Because unlike Mercedes, BMW doesn't need all the fanciness and a frequent change of design in order to keep up in the market as a renown, elegant & classy carbrand.
For instance it's very common that one compares newer cars, with updated technology and power-outputs, to older BMW:s.
Also simply because their M-division simply is better than AMG, often in most aspects.
because i have a bmw
as per viewing results - most of richer should get BMW means who wants to fly on road. and for others as daily use BENZ is best.
BMW is better performance and better quality.
BMW is a great car!
I own a BMW
Because It is the ultimate driving machine!
ultimate driving machine
Just better more exclusive
I drive a M BMW my old Mom drives a E Merc. BMW's have cleaner more elegant lines and far superior engines.
Merc's in my opinion are heavier cars aimed at the people who are looking for the prestige of owning a Merc, BMW's are for people who love a good well engineered automobile.
Cuz bmw is faster
the shape shows
because its a bmw
BMW cars have the best engines in terms of performance
because I own one!
just a guess
bmw is it. music for a car lovers soul
I love BMW!!! I just bought a new BMW M3 and its all suited up with all the bells and whistles. It is a marvelous car!!
I preffer cars which hold in the corners...
I personally think BMW leads the market through their technology. Maybe they are not the most beautiful cars but certainly the best. I was looking recently to BMW 3, Mercedes C and Audi A4. Couple of years ago nobody gave a thought to the gas emission... nowadays you cannot enter the city if you don't comply with some standards. The same, price for fuel is something that it is always going up and this will be the case for the next years too (to picture you the importance of this, do the math and you will see you pay as much on the fuel as for the car). So I took as reference these 5 criteria: fuel consumption, power, noxes, reliability/durability and price. BMW leads by far concerning the noxes, power and has an acceptable price. Mercedes Blue Motion has a bad consumption/power ratio and with the noxes is not better either. Instead, there is quite common to see a lot of Mercedes cars for sale having 600 000 km plus on bord!, which is not the case for BMW yet. So, if you don't care about the environment and the fuel price and if you can afford to change your Mercedes once the regulations regarding the noxes will be more strict as they are now, go for a Mercedes, it will last forever. Audi in my oppinion is just a VW incredible expensive but its win comes from the fact it has front traction and not a rear propulsion. Otherwise technically it doesn't differ at all from an ordinary VW with the only exception it has the price of a Mercedes. Audi is the worst on power and noxes, with a fairly good consumption and with a very short lifespan -no more than 200 000km (plus 50 000 if you're lucky).
because he is very clever
better suspension control
bmw kills mercedes anyday
as you said excellent choice
based on financial performance and model line up.
no way to compare the bmw with mb
bmw is the best ever
It obvious
bmw is the best
brillent cars
it is best
BMW is the best in the weight balance category. This balance gives you better handling, shorter stopping distance, and better performance.
BMW is a drivers car that is one with the person at the wheel. BMW gives you everything you need when the light turns gree. Other companies give you everything you need when the light turns red.
What light describes you in the cockpit of the ultimate car?
BMW is the car of heart!!! It is style of life, it is your position in society!!! It does not matter, how old are you, and what culture you belong to, what is your taste and preferences, BMW will meet all your needs and wants.
In jan 2010 I bought a 07 335i cpo with 6k miles. Throught that year i had the car at the dealership due to warranty issues ranging from bad oil and fuel pumps, turbos, drv shaft, etc. Finaly id had enough and spoke to the dealersbip's general manager who put me in a 2011 335i with less than 10k miles, all same features and more than my 07 had, for the same payments and term...! This is proof BMW belives in customer service....the got a customer for life in me.
M. Minyard
Houston, tx
Advantage BMW Midtown - Michal Bates
m power
Bmw looks awesome and great spped
because i have one :)
just one sentence "Ultimate Driving Machine"
elegant design n massive muscle pulls any one out of der wits.
inclusive in sport in such time class
It's a better car
name of winner