Black Eyes vs. Brown Eyes

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Difference between Black Eyes and Brown Eyes

Most animal kingdoms are marked with a single eye color per species or subspecies. Humans are peculiar when considering the variety of eye colors, especially in that scientists now believe that blue eyes have a common ancestor who lived about 100,000 years ago. Two of the most common colors are black and brown, and they are often mistaken for one another. The differences between these two are subtle, but there are differences and usually those that learn these differences are really surprised in the end. A few differences are the actual color of the eyes, ways in which the color is affected and the scientific explanations.

Black Eyes
Brown Eyes

Actual Color of Eyes

Those people who claim to have black eyes are really not telling the truth. There are no such things as black eyes. The person simply has a very dark brown eye color. Those who claim to have brown eyes usually have a lighter shade of brown colored eyes. There are brown eyes that can be light as a pale yellow, and those who are going to have a tint of green to them in order to make a whole new eye color and so forth. Having brown eyes does not mean that everyone has the eye color of a brown crayon.

Affect of Light on Eye Color

Many cultures around the world have the dominant brown eye color in most of their community. When referring to eye color, some people will consistently refer to dark brown eyes as being black. For those who find light brown eyes more appealing the distinction between dark brown and light brown colored eyes can be rather important socially. Anyone should agree, however, that when a bright light or sunlight illuminates a blackish colored eye that the rich brown color becomes clearly visible.

Scientific Explanations

The reason for black eyes that happen in people is due entirely to genes inherited from their parents, and because they have an overproduction of melanin in the system. Those with brown eyes are producing this melanin in huge amounts as well since they do not have blue or green eyes, which is lighter. However, with blackish eyes the amount is even more. With blackish eyes though, since they are so dark, it is thought that these people have better vision at night when compared to those with light brown eyes.


Black eyes and brown eyes are slightly different from one another, and knowing these differences are going to help the person understand a lot more about their body.

  • There is no such things as black eyes, those who have this, simply have dark brown eyes that are hard to distinguish from the pupils.
  • Black eyes are easy to tell that they are brown in the sunlight or fluorescent lighting. Otherwise, they may appear darker in regular lights. Those with brown eyes are going to find that the lighting does not really change their color.
  • Black eyes are there because the body is producing more melanin than usual. Though this same substance is produced in those with brown eyes, they just do not have as much in their bodies.


comments 4 Comments

  • Ann . 3+ yrs. ago

Caucasians and related people have brown eyes. Asians and Sub Saharan Africans have blackish eyes. Anyone with brown eyes, mixed with Indo-Europeans. It is a genetic mutation to have brown eyes and when you shine a light on them, they usually have a red or orange undertone. Not so with most Asians and Africans. Anywhere you find blue or green eyes, you'll find brown eyes and in Europe almost no blackish eyes. There is a difference and brown eyes were one mutation... to having less melanin in the front part of the iris. Blue eyes have almost none.

  • crystal . 3+ yrs. ago

Then that would mean i have brown eyes cause in the light they are a reddish brown color,interesting.

  • santosh . 3+ yrs. ago

my eays are looking brown is good or bad i am 35 years still i have no vison glass .

  • Jeri . 3+ yrs. ago

Idk. I took a picture of my eye because strong lighting is supposed to show the rich brown.

Even with the flash directly in my face, my pupil is still indistinguishable from my color.

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