Homeopathy vs. Allopathy: New Path To Health

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Difference between Homeopathy and Allopathy

Within the medical community there have always been varying ideas about how to treat patients and namely how to treat patient illness. Allopathy and Homeopathy are two such terms that represent a different approach to medical care. Although the goal of both disciplines is to heal the patient the approach they take to achieve their goals vary quite vastly. Most present day medical professionals probably take from both disciplines but there remain those how believe in strict division of the two theories of health care. The purists believe in treating their patients adhering only to their beliefs of care.

Homeopathy Versus the Norm

Allopathy was actually coined by the creator of homeopathy practice Samuel Hahnemann in the 19th century as a word to describe mainstream medical care. He coined it in order to set homeopathy apart from the common treatment course of the time in order to highlight the differences in care. Homeopath practitioners used the term allopathic in a derogatory manner to describe conventional medicine throughout the 19th century.

Schools of Thought

Homeopathy believes in the use of substances or drugs to cause an effect similar to the effects of the symptoms of the disease in the treatment of that disease. Homeopathy really means working with the symptoms of a disease while allopathy was meant to describe the way that conventional medicine was working counter to the symptoms. Homeopathy sees conventional or allopathy treatment as symptomatic treatments, in essence working in the opposite direction. Homeopaths believe that allopathic practitioners seek to cure disease by administering drugs that only produce further symptoms

How To Cure

Homeopathic practitioners believe that allopathy is a heroic medicine that does not have its basis in evidence. They believe that treating a symptom by merely creating a symptom does nothing to actually cure disease, but only further sends the body out of balance creating further disease. The only way that homeopathic practitioners see to cure to disease is by using the symptoms themselves to bring the body back into balance, not working against it. Allopathic practitioners are constantly looking to acquire substances to cure diseases while homeopathic practitioners believe that the body does not need additional or foreign substances to maintain health, but rather need a balance of those things that are natural within the body. Although, not all allopathic fit this distinction as in common day, there are several who focus on etiology and prevention over substances and cure.

Desire to Cure

Homeopathic practitioners and allopathic practitioners both have one major thing in common, their desire to do away with illness altogether, they just have varying ideas about how to achieve their goals. Homeopaths believe that allopaths use substances to create new symptoms instead of curing the symptoms that someone has through natural means. Homeopathic medicine is not looking for a substance to cure a disease, but rather a way to have the body cure its own symptoms. Most modern day practitioners do not fit into just one of these categories, but take from both theories to deliver the best care possible.


  • Allopathic are thought to practice conventional medicine
  • Homeopaths seek to cure symptoms and think allopaths seek to create new symptoms
  • Allopaths use many treatments from homeopathy
  • Homeopathy does not believe in substances to cure disease

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  • Homeopathy
  • Allopathy

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