Walmart vs. Kmart

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Difference between Walmart and K-Mart

Shopping wisely is a priority for a lot of people, the reason perhaps why there is an abundance of chain stores, such as the likes of Walmart and Kmart. Items sold in these stores are pretty much similar to the ones you see in big department and high-end stores only they are priced considerably lower. At the end of the day, you are sure to get more value for your money. Even if you are not someone who has to live from paycheck to paycheck, but a wise shopper nonetheless, you’d certainly appreciate the existence of these discount stores.

Features & Products

Walmart is one of the biggest public corporations in terms of revenue, operating numerous outlets not just in the United States, but all over the world. It also holds the record as the largest employer with over 2 million employees. Walmart is basically a one-stop shop – anything and everything you need and want can be found in the store. Apparel, jewelry, home essentials, outdoor needs, gardening tools, medicines, electronics, video games, books, medicines, groceries, even pets, can be bought at Walmart. Kmart covers roughly the same items, too, and possibly more, because K­mart has a tire and auto service center for your auto needs, while Walmart does not. Another difference between the two has something to do with inventory, and this time it’s Walmart that edges past Kmart. While Walmart maintains stock inventory of not less than 90% of the time, Kmart seems to fully stock only 86% of the time.

Affordability and Quality of Goods

Both Walmart and Kmart are competing to offer the lowest price possible. Prices of goods are very similar for both, although Kmart is generally pricier by at least $2-$4. Both are found to be good options for basic items like t-shirts and pants, but obviously these shops are not the places to look for a pair of Jimmy Choo shoes or designer items bags. What are usually found here are cheaper versions of the original and if you are not brand conscious, but just mindful of your stuff, you’ll be able to enjoy the goods for quite a long time.

Accessibility & Online Shopping

Walmart has over 8,400 units spread out in 15 countries as opposed to just a few thousand for Kmart. Nonetheless, that should not really matter because both super stores offer online shopping facilities. They have an online catalogue that you can pore over; if you want to buy an item, just click it on to add to your shopping cart and check out. Kmart lets you shop from home in a variety of ways – through online, by way of a catalog and through phone and fax services.


Ultimately, when it’s value for money you are after, Walmart and Kmart pretty much make the cut. Apparently, however, should you need to make just one choice, then it would be wise to take in the following factors: 

  • Availability of stocks – Walmart beats Kmart in this respect as it maintains a high percentage of stocks.
  • Affordability – Walmart is less expensive.
  • Accessibility and shipping charges – Walmart has more stores, but since both stores are available online, anyone can conveniently shop through their online portal.
  • Based on the foregoing, one can say that Walmart is better in terms of availability and affordability.


comments 9 Comments

  • Angela . 3+ yrs. ago

I too am a Target junkie. I know they give alot to the Republican party, but who doesn't?

In general I try to shop locally.(When I can)

But I especially despise Walmart. So many reasons:

At any given time they have labor lawsuits in half the US states.

They encourage employees to work "off the clock".

Illegal employees locked in the store overnight.

This documentary made me cry & drove me to drink.

  • Keithe M Mitchell Sr. . 3+ yrs. ago

needed to know would kmart honor the price of other stores like walmart or target that have the same items at less pricing

  • Observer . 3+ yrs. ago

I work at a Walmart location which isn't the greatest. I can say that they NEVER encourage employees to work off the clock.

  • dave davis . 3+ yrs. ago


  • Zach Elder . 3+ yrs. ago

I think Kmart is better. I have 2 cats and they got out of the vet and I went to WalFart as I call it and they told me to leave the cats in the car and it was over 100 degrees outside. I went a few miles down the road to Kmart and they let the cats inside the store no problem! Why people keep bashing Kmart is quite beyond me.

  • Brian Wilson . 3+ yrs. ago

I would like to bring back K- mart in Kingston. When sears is close at cataruiq mall. K- mart it's my favourite store 😀

  • Brian Wilson . 3+ yrs. ago

I would like to see bring back the original K- mart in Kingston Ontario. I would like to see Kmart take over sears because sears is closeing at the cataraqui mall 🤑

  • lolz . 3+ yrs. ago

kmart and sears are the same company

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