Vinyl Fence vs. Wood Fence vs. Chain Link Fence

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Difference between Vinyl Fence, Wood Fence and Chain Link Fence

Technology is changing fast and making many changes possible in many areas of our lives. Fencing styles and materials for your home and garden have also changed. Now there are many designs of fencing offered in the market. What you choose depends on your preferences and likenesses. Which do you prefer a security or stylish design? If you are planning to install new fencing for your garden then have an idea as to what you want to buy or how you want it to look in your landscape then search for the fencing type that suits your desires. Let's discuss some fencing types and their design and purposes to help you in making the right choice.

Common types of fences are:

  • Wood Fences
  • Polymer Fences
  • Post and Rail Fences
  • Chain Link Fences
  • Vinyl Fences

First decide that what type of fence will be suitable for you. If the theme of your home or garden is cottage-style or ranch-style then wooden fences or other traditional fencing should be fine or if the theme of your home is more modern, go for something more decorative such as wrought iron fencing.

Vinyl Fence
Wood Fence

Security and Classic Look

Wood fences are the most commonly used in the most places in America. The first thought that pops into your mind for security of your home or garden is wooden fence. They provide high privacy and help in keeping neighborhood noise down. Secondly, they can be painted and stained according to your desire and style.

As far as cost is concerned, they are most economical fences as compared to others and are also long lasting. They can remain in good condition for 20 to 30 years if maintained properly.

While purchasing wood fences it is better to buy pine wood post and cedar rails or pickets.

Preventing Pests

Chain links are the second most famous fences in America. They are most commonly used for the security purposes; they prevent people, animals and pests from entering your yard and thus your kids can safely play in the garden.

Chain link fences need more care and maintenance as compared to wooden fence and they are also more expensive than other fences. However they can easily be installed by home owners.

These types of fences are mostly used where there is a need to divide property or for homes where there are small kids.


Vinyl Fence is one of the latest fences that are becoming very popular in America. If you want the type of fence which is maintenance free then a vinyl fence is the right choice for you. These fences can easily be cleaned; you just need a bucket of soapy water and foam and within a short time you can clean them all. These fences usually require cleaning after 3 to 4 months.

Secondly there is a variety of colors and designs of vinyl fencing in market. You can match the color and designs according to your home's theme. The lifetime of vinyl fencing is also promised to be more than any other fencing types.

Similarities and Differences

All fencing types have their own style and functions so search around the market for the right choice. In America some specific types of fences are associated for particular places like:

  • Chain link at parks, property partitioning and at places where there are more small kids.
  • Wooden fence usually are used for the classic looks at hotels, homes and gardens. The major drawback is that termites are attracted to these.
  • Vinyl Fences are often used around pools, modern houses and places where decoration is more important than security.

Make it sure that you purchase the fences from a recognized shop. You can search on the Internet also for a reputable shop near you. 


comments 2 Comments

  • Robin . 3+ yrs. ago

The wood fence is a better choice for two reasons: Vinyl fences are more expensive than wood fences because they are petroleum products and petroleum is not cheap these days. The second reason wood is better is again because vinyl is a petroleum product. It is made of PVC, one of the most carcinogenic and toxic products known to man – the people who make it get ill, the people who live downwind of the PVC factories get ill, and there are global conflict issues involved as well. Vinyl takes way more energy to make, contains dioxins and chemicals, and will offgas into the air for years after it is installed. If you get a nice painted wood fence, it will probably look as nice to a potential buyer as a vinyl fence, plus you wont runt he risk of deterring a buyer who is aware of PVC issues.

  • Levi Armstrong . 3+ yrs. ago

I find it helpful to know that a chainlink fence could be easily installed by homeowners and are an excellent fence to keep pests away. There have been raccoons visiting our house for the past weeks, and they have been such a nuisance. I'll tell my husband to install a chain link fence on our property soon to keep the wildlife pests away. Thanks.

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