Vitamins vs. Minerals

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Difference between Vitamins and Minerals

Both vitamins and minerals are crucial for the human body. Our daily diet should include food full of vitamins and minerals which foster growth and smooth functioning of the human body. Regular intake of balanced diet is crucial for the availability of vitamins and minerals in our body. Vitamins are chemical compounds of a number of elements while minerals are chemical elements. Vitamins ensure the conversion of food we intake into energy and living tissues. Minerals help in strengthening body muscles, transmission of signals to brain and secretion of hormones necessary for human body. 13 types of vitamins required for us are created by our own body. For others we need to depend upon suitable diet and supplements. For minerals, we have to depend upon a suitable diet.


Natural Sources of Vitamins and Minerals

The human body is capable of producing Biotin, pantothenic acid, and vitamin K. Vitamin D is produced in ample amount when our body is exposed to sunlight. There are several fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins. For required amount of minerals, you need to depend upon a number of food sources. Salt and sea foods are rich sources of sodium. Human and cow milk offers you the desired level of iron. However, human milk has better bioavailability and hence is highly recommended. Cow milk is rich in phosphorus and calcium. Broccoli is also another rich source of calcium and phosphorus. 1/3rd of total calcium and phosphorus requirement can be met by eating one egg a day.             

Deficiency of Vitamins and Minerals

Intake of vitamins and minerals below the desired level will create a number of disorders in human body. Night blindness is the major outcome of unavailability of Vitamin A in human body. Scurvy is caused due to deficiency of vitamin C. Rickets is the outcome of unavailability of desired vitamin D in our body. Deficiency of vitamin K can cause problem in blood clotting. Other common signs of vitamin deficiency in human body are itching, rashes, irritation, allergies imbalanced mental health and insomnia. Similarly, deficiency of minerals will cause a number of disorders in human body. Deficiency of calcium will lead to weakened bones and muscles. Iodine deficiency is the chief cause of goiter. Low magnesium intake is one of the crucial reasons behind asthma. Lower availability of minerals can disturb the hormonal balance in body and will lead to severe stress.                       

Vitamins and Minerals for Women Health

Menstrual cycle, menopause and pregnancy are the times when deficiency of vitamins and minerals can affect the life of a woman adversely. Deficiency of calcium, iron, iodine and folic acid during pregnancy will exert adverse effects on health of both child and mother. Health of skin and hair suffer most when we consume insufficient levels of vitamin E. Vitamin B complex is pivotal for all women as it fosters energy of brain and central nervous system.                           


If your regular diet intake is not capable of offering the required level of vitamins and minerals, you need to depend upon supplements. However, you need to ask your doctor about the perfect doses before going for any such supplements. It helps in avoiding the following adverse impacts.

  • When a person consumes excess calcium supplements, he or she may suffer from conditions like hypercalcemia, which results in disrupted kidney functions. The same thing happens when a person intakes too much of vitamin D.
  • If you have too much vitamin E in your diet, the balance of antioxidants in your body may get destroyed. On the other hand overdose of magnesium sometimes lead to severe allergies.

comments 1 Comments

  • Judie . 3+ yrs. ago

Thanks for the information, I have never heard anyone explain the differences between all the vitamin types out there. Is there one particular multi vitamin from a manufacturer that you would recommend? and also I was considering taking vitamin d...does the same thing apply for vitamin d3 pills as being synthetic and is there a whole food vitamin d pill?

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