Staples or Office Depot: Which office supplies provider is better?

  • Staples
  • Office Depot
Please select one to answer and see the result


Staples - 7Office Depot - 16
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Staples also provide an informative business center to support the buyer on a corporate level.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
they have a store near me that I use for my little art projects, customer service is top notch, always a friendly smile and a helping hand.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Because its better
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
It cheaper
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Office Depot supports **** lifestyle


I signed up for Office Depot's rewards program a few years ago when I was running a home business (since gone out of business) but I still get their mailings and go there occasionally, when I needed ink cartridges for my printer or something. Well, no more. In the mail today I received one of their flyers, which states:

"When you purchase limited edition Gift Cards, Post-It Notes and Sharpie Permanent Markers, Office Depot will donate 25% of the sales price (excluding all applicable taxes) to support the Born This Way Foundation's movement to create a kinder, braver world."

As some of you may know, the "Born This Way Foundation" is a "charity" started by Lady Gaga to promote the homosexual lifestyle. But note they don't say that in the flyer - they try to make you think you are making the world a better place by buying these products from them. In another thread, people are debating whether to continue shopping at Amazon because the CEO stated he supports **** marriage. Well, I think Office Depot is even more insidious - they don't come out and say what it is they're supporting, they cloak it in some "feel good" baloney, but they will give a percentage - 25%, which is rather a lot! - of your money directly to an organization whose sole function is to promote the homosexual lifestyle. I am therefore taking my business to Staples, and I just e-mailed Office Depot to let them know.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Easy button campaign
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
i work at staples
  • Anonymous . October 2021
great service
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
The acquisition that Office Max experienced being acquired by Office Depot was a step up in my opinion. OfficeMax alone provided outstanding service, in fact, I believe they stood above STaples and Office Depot put together. I've had horrible experiences with Staples and their service about 25 years working with a consuming company, we let them go to return after 25 years (partly due to savings). Interesting some of the same service issues still remained after 25 years. Not good! OfficeMax provided great service, turn around delivery, solid products, etc. I could go on but I digress...
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Staples has no one in their stores to help you. The got all those profits not by better business practices, but by continually cutting payroll. That is why their service sucks. Office Depot, has not cut payroll and continues to actually have staff that helps its customers. Take away those cutting customer focus cuts, you will find that Staples is in a big mess. Companies, always cut payroll, when they have lousy upper management, who can not make their companies work. Now, Staples is almost at the point were they can't cut payroll. Lets see how they do than, without the cheap tricks to make them look profitable. Customers always come last with Staples
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Only because I try to support local stores and live in Boca where corporate is.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
I think their furniture (desk chairs) are better designed.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
I go to both and Office Max ALWAYS keeps all shelves stocked so you DO NOT have to use the internet!!! I need things in a hurry and will shop @ Office Max!
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
A Staples salesperson blatantly lied to me in order to sell an extended warranty on a printer. When the printer broke within the warranty period, the store refused to repair or replace it (as the salesperson had said they would). The store manager referred me to their "third party" warranty servicer, which turned out to be Staples "Technical Support". It took five phone calls, one every day for five days, to that entity before they finally issued me an emailed "gift card" for the original printer price. On each call, the rep told me I'd get the card within 24 hours. On one call, a rep even claimed that "24 hours" meant "24 BUSINESS hours"! That claim was refuted by the next rep I spoke to, but I still did not get the card until three calls later. Five days, five calls. Until now, I've bought all my office supplies, electronics and computer peripherals at Staples and even referred several family members there. After this broken printer experience and the miserable way I was treated, however, I'll never buy anything from them again. Office Depot here I come!
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
office depot is a better name than staples
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Customer Service is a priority at Office Depot. Staples has certainly not pulled ahead in my county, where people prefer the friendly and clean Office Depots.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Jordans mom works there
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
much better customer service, overall better staffed group of people hands down. staples didnt make my copies when i needed them. went to office depot and BAAMMMMM!!! made my meeting and had my presentation.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
It's relative. Staples is just overpriced way over the top. I also don't like how they controls monopoly in the Canadian market.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
The numbers don't lie as mentioned however from a customer point of view walking in to a Staples that has bar none the worst customer service as well as a continued out of stock due to either poor stocking associates or Staples like many retailers has cut the one expense controlable on a month to month basis which is labor (less hours means less service, in stock position and customer frustration).

Office Depot has recently made some poor calls that matches what has always been their knee jerk reaction to anything that happens in the other big box office supply stores and going from one angle to the next has confused both customers and associates who work there. At the same time when looking at numbers you have to factor in the amount of units one company has compared to the other as well as some specific problems O.D. has had over Staples due to O.D. always being stronger in technology for the customers to purchase with trained business machine help in store.

As O.D. was always stronger in computers and technology than staples its a double edged sword when stocked company wide with computers and software that did not stay up with the fast changes making them just a bit behind the newest "thing" forcing them to sell machines for a large loss due to the very small profit margin that computers and printers and the rest bring.

Given on strickly a store visit basis I would go anywhere but Staples strickly on the poor training of the associates including managers that frustrate customers who want to get in and out which is the culture of office supply stores.

The only area Staples has edged way ahead is in the other divisions that do not include the actual stores (telephone sales, internet and obviously buying other companies to bring in even larger catalogue business. Putting phone sales outside the USA was insane. By the way I was an Office Depot manager for many years until medical retirement but as when managing my stores I can be brutally objective!
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
I work at Office Depot.

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