Cute or Hot: Which one is better?

  • Cute
  • Hot
Please select one to answer and see the result


Cute - 28Hot - 16
  • Anonymous . March 2021
Because people would like to be around cute rather than hot. Hot only refers to physical beauty, which wanes in time. Cute refers to not only physical beauty, but inner beauty which stays a much longer time.
  • Anonymous . November 2020
it's just more appealing
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
she is less likely to be athot
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Cute is more appropriate than Hot because of the face you make and the appearance.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
cute is sustainable in long-term relationships, hotness is just something **** object related.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
I looked at hot pictures than I looked at cute ones and I was happier and more enthusiastic at the cute ones.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
It stays last longer than hotness..😉
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Natsuki best grill
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Hot is basically a way of saying "I want to do it with you"; there is no substance to the attraction. Cute is more meaningful and long-lasting.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
you get hugged and admired and you can be hot along with it, so who needs hotness?
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Every guy secretly wants to marry the cutey next door. We need a cozy home to entertain guests over a crackling fireplace. We need to laugh and dance long in to the night, watch hostess the most-est play with the kids and charm the adults (while we hopelessly try to please in the snug shadow of her personality). We eventually throw our hands up and stand by her side, awed by her goodness, thinking about cuddling and smooching after the guests file out and the kids catch their good night kisses. But her eyes sparkle with frisk, and she's nobody's fool. Sometimes she so ties up your lips they don't know what to do but meet her's. One minute you're holding hands on a moon-swept beach, the next you're face-down eating seaweed, and she's laughing her head off (but you can only think of how beautiful she is.) You try super-hard to get angry with her, but just melt like a marshmallow. She catches your hands, looks you in the eyes. You never want to look anywhere else.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
I'm cute
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Cause a cute girl stays cute and is more approachable
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Cute girls are more likely to make great friends and wives in the long run!
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Because it is sweet and endearing - is not defined by sexual attractiveness but is not necasarily without it either, whereas hot will always be defined by this.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Because I am cute. :) <3
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
i love the word cute and cuteness never fades..true!
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
cute is not evil because beauty makes addiction
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Humans have been known to respond more positively to cuteness. It takes a small amount of effort. Plus, I've been called a cutie quite a few times. And cuteness also involves personality, as stated in the article.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
i dunno
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
my wife is cute
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
no why
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Mila Kunis is the definition of cute, and she trumps nearly any hot girl.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
personality is more important than looks
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
because more people like the cute people than the hot ones...
  • Anonymous . March 2023
  • Anonymous . January 2022
theyre **** and busty
  • Anonymous . July 2021
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
In my opinion hot means like really attractive but cute is averagely or slightly more than average attractiveness, hot can fit really any ones agenda just as long as they are hot, but cute is like softer features, someone you want to protect and not everyone can even be cute. I'm not at all hot but I'm tall and boney, my features are extremely sharp so you wouldn't call me cute either. Anyways hot just biologically attracts people more so hot
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
ou only live once, strike while the body is hot !
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
The hot ones are both **** & bold and can get any girl they like, but the cuteies are more likely to get shy & introvert girls...:-(
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Its so ****
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Megan fox
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
for ****
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
I don't know why exactly I chose hot. Maybe because hot girls seem to get all the guys while cue girls are left in the dust. (From a "Cute" girl's point of view)
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
because cute chicks arent hot, but hot chicks are cute too!
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
It is ****
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Cute is a description motivated by emotional attraction.

Hot is a description motivated by sexual attraction.

I would rather have **** with a hot girl than platonic emotional intimacy with a cute girl.

I'm a man.

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