Deepak Chopra vs. Richard Dawkins

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Difference between Deepak Chopra and Richard Dawkins

Deepak Chopra and Richard Dawkins are both authors who have generated some controversy through their claims and the ways in which they have presented their ideas to the public. Although both men have a background in science, Deepak Chopra is a doctor who has moved away from conventional medicine, while Richard Dawkins is an evolutionary biologist who has remained a prominent name in his field. Dawkins has published some popular science books for the general public and he has also written about atheism, but he still remains involved in his original field.

Deepak Chopra
Richard Dawkins

Qualifications and Education

Deepak Chopra studied medicine at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences. He later moved to the United States, where he worked as a doctor for many years, specializing in endocrinology. He is a member of the American Medical Association, the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists and a fellow of the American College of Physicians. Chopra studied Ayurvedic medicine with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and began to explore alternative medicine.

Richard Dawkins is a graduate of the University of Oxford. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society and the Royal Society of Literature. Dawkins is a scientist by education and profession, but he has also written on more philosophical topics.


Deepak Chopra started his career as a doctor, practicing and teaching in the US, but his later career has taken him into the field of alternative medicine and he has become known as an author and a public speaker. Chopra began to gain public recognition during the 1980s when he began to publish self-help books and he is now a well-known author and public speaker on alternative medicine.

Richard Dawkins is a fellow at New College, Oxford. He was the professor for Public Understanding of Science at the university between 1995 and 2008. As a scientist, Dawkins is well-known for his work on evolutionary biology and animal behavior, although he has recently become well-known outside this field due to his popular writing and public speaking about atheism. Although Dawkins is a well-known name in his field, his ideas are not unchallenged and other evolutionary scientists have suggested their own opposing theories.


Deepak Chopra became famous for bringing his ideas about Eastern spirituality to the Western world. He also became known for his association with the singer Michael Jackson, with whom he was friends for about twenty years. Some of Chopra's ideas have been controversial, particularly when he has challenged the ideas of conventional medicine. His critics have suggested that he may have influenced people to avoid seeking the medical care that they need.

Richard Dawkins first came to the attention of the general public with the publication of his book The Selfish Gene in 1976. This book described Dawkins' ideas about evolution as a gene-centered process, with the gene as the basic unit of evolution, which were very influential in evolutionary science. Dawkins created the term meme in this book. Dawkins has also published a number of other books, including The Blind Watchmaker and The God Delusion, in which he discusses his ideas about atheism and humanism. Dawkins is known to the general public as a strong proponent of atheism and evolution, and as an opponent to those who espouse theories of creationism and intelligent design. These ideas have generated a lot of controversy.


Richard Dawkins and Deepak Chopra are two well known authors who have backgrounds in science.

Both Dawkins and Chopra are also well known public speakers.

Richard Dawkins:

  • Richard Dawkins is an evolutionary biologist.
  • Dawkins has spoken and written about his atheism and humanism, creating controversy through his disagreements with proponents of creationism and intelligent design.

Deepak Chopra:

  • Deepak Chopra is a medical doctor.
  • Chopra has spoken and written about spirituality and alternative medicine, generating controversy through his disagreements with conventional medicine.


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