FaceBook Likes or Twitter Tweets: Social Comparison

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Difference between FaceBook Like and Twitter Tweet

Social networking sites such as FaceBook and Twitter are all the rage nowadays, and they have impacted our lives in many different ways. As it turns out, such features as FaceBook Likes and Twitter Tweets may have a farther-reaching significance than we may have initially thought, particularly in the fields of marketing and Web searches. In this comparison article, we take a look at how both services can be used for purposes other than that they were initially intended for.

FaceBook Like
Twitter Tweet


FaceBook Likes allow people on FaceBook to express approval of a post without actually having to make a comment. This is done by clicking on the “like” link at the bottom of the comment box. After “liking” a post, your FaceBook user name will be seen along with the names of all the other people who have liked the post as well. You will also receive notices about other people liking or commenting on the post.

Twitter Tweets on the other hand are comments made by people on Twitter. Each post is limited to 140 characteristics only, including spaces, making it more suited to short sentences or one-liners. While Tweets started out as a means for people to share quick thoughts or mentions of what they were doing at a particular moment, they have since been used for expressing thoughts and opinions about a variety of subjects, or for breaking news.

Alternative To Search Engines

FaceBook Likes and Twitter Tweets have recently come into their own as feasible alternatives to linking. In fact, FaceBook has even begun referring to “likes” as “social links” that can connect FaceBook users to other pages on the web. This shift towards Likes and Tweets correspond with a reduced reliance on search engines. While it is as yet uncertain whether or not these comparatively new innovations signal the end of Google, there is no doubt that they do offer some potentially stiff competition to the venerable search engine. In addition, sites such as FaceBook and Twitter provide more opportunities for connectivity and interaction than search engines.

Relation To Links

Perhaps as a response to all this, search engines have begun making an effort to rank social updates such as Tweets and Likes. In fact, Twitter tweets are now ranked according to number and quality of followers. All this would seem to suggest the increasing prominence of social networking updates as a viable tool for gaining visibility of the world. While there are no indications that links are going to go entirely out of vogue, it is clear that social networking updates will play an increasingly significant role in marketing and promotions over the next few years


FaceBook Likes

  • Allow people on FaceBook to express approval of a post without actually having to make a comment
  • Done by clicking on the “like” link at the bottom of the comment box

Twitter Tweets

  • Are comments made by people on Twitter
  • Limited to 140 characteristics only, including spaces


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