Bacteria vs. Germs

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Difference between Bacteria and Germs

Bacteria and germs are just two of the terms that people often confuse with one another. The reason is that the words are interchanged in a lot of books and publications and because of this most people believe that they are one and the same. However, that is not true. The two terms have many differences between them that must be acknowledged in order to fully understand the terms. Differences such as the effects that they have on humans, the locations in which these two terms thrive and the scientific explanation of these two terms.


Effects on Humans

The effects that bacteria and germs have on humans are diverse. Germs can cause infections and sicknesses in humans. Bacteria can also cause infections and sicknesses, however, there are such things as good bacteria that help promote the immunity in the body. So whereas germs are all considered bad, bacteria can be helpful to humans in some ways, meaning that not all bacteria are bad.


The location of germs and bacteria can be found anywhere. Germs thrive in areas that sickness and waste are present, such as the bathroom around the toilet and sink. Germs can also be found on counters where food is prepared, on the floor where people walk and basically anywhere in the home and out in public. Bacteria is much the same, however, good bacteria can be found in foods that we eat or substances and vitamins that a person takes. On the other hand, bacteria that is bad for someone can grow out in the natural environment. The main difference is that germs are usually caused by something, whereas bacteria can grow in places that people would not think about even looking.

Scientific View

Scientifically, germs are the name that is given to any kind of harmful fungus, bacteria or illness that may be in the area that can land on objects or be breathed in. Bacteria, on the other hand, is given its own family called the Eubacteria. Bacteria is usually viewed as non-harmful in most forms and can survive on its own. Germs usually die off in a few days when exposed to a surface and air for too long. In addition, germs are usually the cause of something, whereas bacteria are found naturally.

Similarities and Differences

  • Though bacteria and germs have many things in common, they are as different as night and day once a person understands the basics. Germs can be bacteria, but not all bacteria is considered to be germs.
  • Germs and a few bacteria can cause illness and infections in humans, while some bacteria have no affect on humans, but can actually be helpful.
  • Germs can thrive anywhere when people are present because people spread these germs through the use of their hands onto areas. Most germs thrive in areas frequented by people.
  • Bacteria grows naturally in the environment, thus they do not have specific locations in which they are found. They can float through the air or even grow in nature.
  • Germ is the name given to all bad fungus bacteria and so forth that is present in the environment. Bacteria is a name for a family that is given to all bacteria, whether they are good or bad.


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