Geek vs. Nerd

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Difference between Geek and Nerd

For those with a single-focused pursuit of intellectual achievements, some may have trouble when attempting to integrate into societal life. This is mostly due to the considerable amount of they have dedicated to research in lieu of social development. The terms geek and nerd used when referring to such individuals has traditionally had a negative connotation, but in time, the general perception has changed somewhat, leading to an appreciation for their work and contributions to life as we know it.

For instance, geeks and nerds tend to show a particular affinity for technological fields. They are the first ‘experts’ asked to provide a professional opinion on a new electronic product. Most geeks and nerds involved in the computer industry have made fortunes using intelligence to develop new solutions and seem to have the pulse of what is coming in the years ahead.



Geek is an informal term used to refer to a person which is focused on his/her own intellectual development.

Nerd is an informal term used to refer to a person more interested in acquiring knowledge than social activities.


Most geeks and nerds are passionate about electronics. You can find them at each major gadget launching events, cell phone testing or other technically related events. For a specialist’s opinions, people are encouraged to look on the Internet for gadget blogs written by geeks and nerds.

They also attend comics release fairs, with a great part of the community being passionate about this. Geeks and nerds promote this type of entertainment to their peers ensuring their distribution. In Japan they are known under the term of otaku, designating a person obsessed with manga, costume dressing, video games and manga related toys.

Some communities of geeks and nerds frequently attend themed fairs such as Star Wars related or Harry Potter related events. Fantasy and science-fiction literature seem to be their preferred genres. Gaming conventions attract a lot of geeks and nerds as well. Some have even blog about the games they've played so far and those they wish to purchase.


Geeks and nerds are depicted in motion pictures as teens wearing black rimmed glasses, shirts and pants highly lifted up with suspenders. The outer experience isn't as important as what their mind can do. In recent years, as more and more geeks and nerds have received appreciation for their endeavors in the computer industry and the concept of looking like a nerd has become appealing for many young people. As such, sometimes they buy and wear black rimmed glasses even if they do not have vision issues. Another sure sign is when you see T-shirts with messages stating they belong to a geek community and when young people where pants with suspenders. All of this has made geek and nerd fashions quite popular.

Similarities and Differences

  • Geek is an informal term used to refer to a person which is focused on his/her own intellectual development.
  • Nerd is an informal term used to refer to a person more interested in acquiring knowledge than social activities.
  • Specific geek and nerd activities include: attending electronics related fairs, blogging about new technologies, attending comics release fairs, going to gaming conventions.
  • Geek and nerd fashions have become quite popular among young people.


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