Vesicare vs. Detrol: What is the difference?

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Difference between Vesicare and Detrol

Vesicare and Detrol are both brand names for medications that are used as urinary antispasmodics. Both of these drugs are used as treatments for overactive bladders, acting in similar ways to help control the bladder and reduce the frequency of urination.


Brands and Manufacturers

Vesicare is the brand name for the drug solifenacin. Vesicare is produced by Astellas, which markets the drug in conjunction with GlaxoSmithKline.

Detrol is the brand name for a drug called tolterodine. Detrol is the brand name by which this drug is sold in the United States and Canada, where it is marketed by Pfizer. However, other brand names are also used for tolterodine elsewhere in the world. In Egypt, tolterodine is sold by Sabaa as Tolterodine, and under the brand names Incont L.A. by Adwia.


Vesicare and Detrol are both used to treat similar conditions since they both affect the body in the same way. Both of these medications can be used to reduce muscle spasms in the bladder and the urinary tract.

The main condition for which these two drugs are used as treatments is an overactive bladder. An overactive bladder is associated with symptoms such as frequent urination, an urgent need to urinate and incontinence. This condition has only recently been described, and there has been some controversy over whether it is truly a condition that requires treatment or whether it has been shaped and popularized by pharmaceuticals in order to create a demand for their products.

Choice of Medication

Different individuals can react differently to different medications. Most people will simply take the advice of their doctor and continue using the first medication that they have tried. However, some people will need to change in order to find out which medication will be best for them.

In some cases, people may find that one of these drugs is more effective than the other. Some people may experience side-effects with one drug, which the other drug may not produce. Doctors may therefore advise a change in medication if a patient is not happy with one of these drugs.

Common side-effects of Vesicare are dry mouth, constipation and blurred vision. Detrol may cause side-effects such as dry mouth, headache and constipation. Both medications can also cause reduced perspiration, which may result in difficulty coping with heat.

The price of the medication can also be an important factor in the choice of the best drug for a particular patient. A study of the cost effectiveness of different medications for overactive bladders found that solifenacin was the most cost effective choice for treatment in the United States.

Similarities and Differences

Vesicare and Detrol are two different medications that are used to treat the same condition, an overactive bladder. Different patients may find that they react better to one medication than the other.


  • Vesicare is the brand name for solifenacin.
  • Vesicare and Detrol are both used to treat overactive bladders.
  • Vesicare side-effects can include dry mouth, constipation and blurred vision.


  • Detrol is the brand name for tolterodine.
  • Detrol side-effects can include dry mouth, headache and constipation.


comments 6 Comments

  • patsy . 3+ yrs. ago

which is less expensive detrol or vesicare

  • dna8577 . 3+ yrs. ago

Vesicare should be less expensive and tends to be more effective with less side effects. This is not true for every one as with any drug the results vary depending on the individual.

  • Tom . 3+ yrs. ago

You can get generic detrol, but cannot get generic vesicare. So, generic detrol would be the cheapest option.

  • Madge . 3+ yrs. ago

Vesicare appears to be ineffective, except for a very dry mouth.

  • Carol . 3+ yrs. ago

Vesicare works well, but unfortunately I can't afford $230+ every 60 days. Is there a generic that is as effective and less costly?

  • Barbara . 3+ yrs. ago

My vesicare recently went up to 350! I'm cutting the pills in half, although then they don't work as well. What a racket. I find that I do need vesicare (full strength) and it does work for me! Alternative: wear pee pee pads. Wonder if men would be agreeable to this if they had OAB problems! Price is OUTRAGEOUS! Bet it costs pennies to produce. I would love to find an alternative.

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