Bad Breath vs. Good Breath: Could You Pass The Test?

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Difference between Bad Breath and Good Breath

Bad breath is one of the most embarrassing conditions that anyone has had to deal with, whether he is the offender or the offended! Aside from the potential social faux pas that may result however, bad breath may actually be a sign of more serious health conditions. Let's take a look at the conditions that are involved in this issue.

Bad Breath
Good Breath


Good breath is easy enough to explain, as it is often the result of good oral hygiene and the absence of any underlying health conditions. This is a lot more difficult to achieve as you may have realized however, and there are numerous factors that can cause the opposite condition, which is bad breath.

Bad breath or halitosis for its part is an unpleasant odor coming from the mouth, which is prone to the growth and accumulation of bacteria. These bacteria cause the chemical breakdown of proteins that exist in the mouth from the food that we eat. When this process occurs, sulfur compounds such as hydrogen sulfide are produced. Aside from producing the characteristic odor of bad breath, these compounds have also been linked to gum disease or periodontitis. Because of this, periodontitis is one of the main causes of bad breath.

Where It Occurs

The causes that typically contribute to bad breath most often occur in the tongue, the teeth, and the gums. In addition, there are certain health conditions in which the cause of bad breath originates from the stomach. The entire mouth is actually quite a fertile breeding ground for bacteria, and the tongue is particularly prone to bacteria buildup. In particular, the deep fissures and grooves on the tongue are places where bad breath causing bacteria tend to accumulate. The teeth and the gums also serve as "receptacles" for these bacteria to some extent.


Some of the more effective ways to combat bad breath are brushing, flossing, and rinsing the mouth with mouthwash. When most people think of the act of brushing, it is the teeth that first come to mind. While this is indeed where brushing should be concentrated, it is important to remember to brush the tongue as well. Brushing the teeth should be done with an up-and-down as well as circular motion.This ensures that the spaces between the teeth can be reached.

Flossing is another important step in bad breath prevention. This allows you to clear out food debris that you can't get to by brushing. Care must be taken that you don’t floss too aggressively however, as this can cause you to cut into the gums, opening up a host of problems that are worse than bad breath.

It is important to note that these remedies address only the most basic causes of bad breath. Regular visits to the dentist are essential, as is the addressing of any non-dental issues associated with bad breath.

Similarities and Differences

Bad breath

  • May be caused by bacteria buildup in the mouth, including the teeth, gums and tongue
  • May be caused by other health issues as well

Good breath

  • Results from good oral hygiene
  • Results from overall good health


comments 1 Comments

  • bad breath . 3+ yrs. ago

When I notice a client has halitosis/bad breath or complains of post nasal drip and tonsil stones despite having healthy teeth & gums, I advise the client to visit the site of Oraltech Labs. I can report clients return visits have undetectable Halitosis/bad breath. So if all else fails direct them to Oraltech Labs. USA & UK. Association of Dental Health

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