Land of snake charmers to land of intellectuals: Transition of India

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Difference between Indian Intellectuals and Indian Snake Charmers

India... what was the first idea to strike you when you recognized the country’s name? If you’re not an Indian, have never visited the land and have just heard of it through your parents or friends, then let me of magic, kings, yogis, religions, elephants, cows, cultures and very popular snake charmers may have come up. Before the British came to India, it indeed wasn't far from what you imagined just now. A lot has changed since in the past 400 years. India has changed tremendously and has become a powerful developing country with the world’s second largest standing army. Its children have excelled in almost every field; be it science, arts, music, literature, industry, sports and more. Let’s compare the past and present of this great secular nation, a perfect example of “Unity in Diversity”.


During this time period, India saw large numbers of rulers and governments from the Mauryan Empire to Islamic Rule. Today’s India is world’s most populous democracy. It has two houses of parliament with a total of over seven hundred members who lead the nation on its way forward towards material progress.


According to the Ramayana and Mahabharata, very ancient India witnessed great technology to the extent of Bhramastra equivalent to today’s nuclear bomb. When the British came, lack of unity among large number of provinces was exposed and exploited. India at present has three wings of defense including the Army, Navy and Air Force. In fact, India has the second largest standing Army in the world. India is a nuclear power with efficient intelligence to safeguard its citizens against any threat from enemies far and near.


If we talk of historic times, say around fifteen hundred years ago, it is believed that India was the largest economy and controlled 1/3 of the total wealth in the world until the 18th century. Today India is a developing nation. Ancient Indian civilizations preferred the barter system, and then came gold coin currency and gradually a standard currency system. During the period of Indus Valley civilization 3300-1300 B.C., a well maintained monetary system existed. Food production is recorded as far back as 7000 B.C. Today India is the 11th largest economy in the world, and is a developing nation with some great industrialists like Tatas and Ambanis leading country’s path of economic progress.


  • Today Indian’s have excelled in almost every field be it science, arts, music, literature, industry or sports.
  • Ancient India too witnessed great period of art, architecture and literature.
  • It is believed that ancient India was the largest economy and controlled one third of total wealth in the world.
  • India saw large number of rulers and governments right from Mauryan Empire to Islamic Rule.
  • Today’s India is world’s most populous democracy.
  • Ancient India witnessed great technology to the extent of Bhramastra equivalent to today’s nuclear bomb.(as mentioned in Mahabharata)
  • Today India has second largest standing army in the world.
  • During the period of Indus Valley civilization a well maintained monetary system existed.
  • Today India is the eleventh largest economy in the world.

Which one best describes the reputation of Indians in India?
  • Indian Intellectuals
  • Indian Snake Charmers

comments 1 Comments

  • Himanshu . 3+ yrs. ago


First of all, I want to congratulate you for such a wonder eye opening article.

Now India is competing with all major economies of the world. Majority of doctors, engineers and scientists is US are Indians. Indians are on the top of the list when we talk about IT industry.

Actually, few western nations don't want to accept the success of an east Asian country, but yes this is the truth.

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