Indus Valley Civilization vs. Present Day India

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Difference between Indus Valley Civilization and Present Day India

India is a country that has had a long and colorful history, and a large part of that was the ancient Indus Valley Civilization. One of the most distinctive and culturally significant civilizations in the world, the Indus Valley civilization has played a major role in the development of India as we know it today. Let's take a look at how this ancient civilization has impacted on present India.

In Brief

Many believe the Indus Valley civilization to have been established in 3000 B.C. preceding Indian civilization by five hundred to seven hundred years. The civilization was comprised of Harappan and Mohenjadaro, both of which were its major cities. India is the seventh-largest country in the world and is located in South Asia. It is the second most heavily populated country in the world with a population of about 1.18 billion people. India is also considered the most heavily populated democratic country in the world.


The people of the Indus Valley Civilization were largely polytheistic, which is to say that they believed in many gods. That being said, there are virtually no remaining signs or symbols of the religious practices of these people. What historians now believe is that the people of this civilization practiced a religion that was far removed from the Hinduism of today, although the coming of nomads from central Europe led to the eventual introduction of the Vedas, which subsequently led to the widespread practice of Hinduism. Present-day India for its part is home to four major religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism. The influx of foreign influences later led to the establishment of Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

Economy And Government

Much of the wealth of the Indus Valley civilization came from horticulture. All the villages had huge granaries that were filled to the brim every year. The main crop of the region was cotton, and the inhabitants subsequently leaned to cultivate cotton and to spin it quickly. In many ways, the Indus Valley civilization was much more advanced than similar civilizations that existed during times such as the ancient Egyptian civilization. Unfortunately, very little is known about the system of government of the Indus Valley civilization, although it is believed that the government was mainly authoritarian, with some political leaders coming from the priesthood. Some also believe that the Indus Valley civilization’s system of government was theocratic. Among the main exports of present-day India are petroleum and petroleum-based products, textiles, precious stones, jewelry, software, engineering equipment, chemicals, and leather goods. India is a major importer of crude oil, machinery, and chemicals. The country followed socialist inspired principles from the 1950s to the 1980s, although 1991 saw a shift towards more liberal policies and a free market economy. The country currently follows a democratic system of government.


Indus Valley Civilization

  • Drew much of its wealth from horticulture
  • Main crop was cotton
  • Believed to have followed an authoritarian or theocratic system of government
  • Adopted Hinduism after the arrival of nomads from central Europe

Present India

  • Main exports are precious stones, petroleum and petroleum based products, software, engineering equipment, textiles and chemical among others
  • Shifted from socialist leanings to liberal policies and free market economy in 1991
  • Follows a democratic system of government

Which civilization counts more holy men?
  • Indus Valley Civilization
  • Present Day India

comments 11 Comments

  • Alexis Perez . 3+ yrs. ago

thnx! this was a greta answer im doing a project for ancient india and present day india this is gonna be an easy A!

  • Bhikhubhai P. . 3+ yrs. ago

According to the Encyclipaedia Brittanica, the name 'Indus' became familiar only after the British connection. This is further supported by Thomas Jefferys, the Royal Geographer to Her Majesty, prepared a 'Map of Indostan in 1761' as shown in the book, 'The Horizon History of the world in 1766', in which the river has been described as 'The Indus or River Sindi', and the mouth of the river as 'Gulf of Sindi'.

Thus, at least, until 1776, the name of the river, Sindhu (Sindi) was known, and only the British archives can throw some light as to the reasons for the introduction of the word 'Indus' for the river Sindhu.

One of the locations, Mohenjo-daro was situated on the banks of the river Sindhu, where as the other, Harappa was on the banks of the river Sarasvati, presently dry but fully flowing around 3000 BC. Thus, rightly, the civilization should be named Sarasvati-Sindhaive Civilization. This civilization has impacted, not only India, but, the world too.

  • Bhikhubhai P. . 3+ yrs. ago

Indus Valley Civilization (IVC) is an ancient civilization that existed in 3000 BC and beyond. To enable us to compare it with the present times, it is necessary to have some understanding of the climatic conditions as well as the size of the population.

The last Ice-Age commenced receding some 10000 years ago (8000 BC), when the world population was estimated at 5 million (The Economist - 12.24.2005). Further estimates were made regarding the world population - 200 million in AD 1, that increased to 500 million in 1650, and reached 1 billion in 1850 (The World Almanac & Book of Facts -1998).

The first census in India was carried out in 1872, when the population count was arrived at 200 million. Taking into account all the above figures, I arrive at a figure of 15 to 20 million population that existed in 3000 BC in comparison to the present population of India, a billion plus.

Around 3000 BC, the world was going through the effects of melting ice-sheet, even though receding at the time. The resulting rise in sea-levels and over-flowing and flooding of the rivers were the consequences of melting ice. The Northern Hemisphere even suffered the chilling winds of the Arctic, that kept 3/4th of the Northern Hemisphere under ice. Most of the population lived near the river deltas and plains.

The demise of the IVC, too, came about due to the above causes.

  • aishna . 3+ yrs. ago

how the cities are different in past from today

  • Bhikhubhai P. . 3+ yrs. ago

W N Weech, in the History of the World, states that "untill 1922, we had few records of human life in India, older than the days of the Aryan speaking invaders apart from a handful of scattered relics of the Stone Age. NOW, excavations has shown that great towns flourished as long ago as 3000 BC".

In Streams of Civilizations, Stanton & Hyma, goes even further and states that, "in fact, there is so much evidence now to show that, very ancient people were highly skilled, that some people have jumped to the conclusion that they must have come by space ship from some more civilized planet out in space".

I have seen pictures of the archaeological digs on other web-sites which seem to justify the comments of the above historians. If you bear in mind that the population of the world then would be much less, the need is shaped accordingly.

  • aditi thakur . 3+ yrs. ago

cities are well devloped in today days and in older time cities were not well devaloped

  • milki . 3+ yrs. ago

its excellent

  • aditi thakur . 3+ yrs. ago

helpd me a lot i an doing my project

  • aditi thakur . 3+ yrs. ago

i got very much help

  • C.P. . 3+ yrs. ago

To: aditi thakur

Their cities were actually extremely well developed. Their roads were planned out, they had a sophisticated drainage system, and their houses all had a bathroom and well. Some people say that their city was actually better than cities in modern day in India. (I frankly can't say if this is true though, I haven't visited).

  • C.P. . 3+ yrs. ago

Religious practices in that area have been dated to 5500 BC, but urbanization is believed to have begun in 3000 BC, according to multiple sources.

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