Transplant vs. Implant

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Difference between Transplant and Implant

One of the wonders of modern medicine is that it has allowed the use of technologies that were previously impossible and even unthinkable only a few decades ago. Some of the more important and innovative developments in this regard are transplants and implants, both of which have changed numerous people’s lives in significant ways. Let's take a look at each category of medical procedures.



Used as a medical term, a transplant refers to the transfer of an organ from one body to another, or from a certain section of the patient's own body to another area. This procedure is usually performed in order to replace a damaged or missing organ. In particular, interesting developments are being made in the field of regenerative medicine, which is a discipline that makes it possible for scientists to recreate organs from the patient's own cells. As for an implant, it is a term used to refer to the manufacture of certain body parts that may be used to replace missing or damaged limbs or organs. Most medical implants are man-made, and materials such as titanium, silicone or apatite are regularly used.

Common Types

Some of the more commonly transplanted organs are the heart, the kidneys, the liver, the lungs, and many more. Tissues such as bones, tendons, cornea, skin, and even veins are also often transplanted. Kidneys are the most commonly transplanted organs in the world. Implants may come in the form of pins, rods, screws and plates, and some may even be comprised of electronic components. Such is the case with pacemakers and cochlear implants.

Potential Risks And Complications

The main risk of a transplant is rejection of the organ by the body, a risk that it also shares with implant patients. In addition, transplant patients are also at risk of incurring AIDS, as was the case with numerous high profile news stories wherein the donors concealed their condition from doctors. This danger is of course not present with implants since they often utilize man-made components. In any case, you will want to take extra precautions before going under.



  • Used to refer to the moving of organs from one body to another, or from one part of the patients body to another
  • Is intended to replace damaged or missing organs
  • May come from living or deceased sources
  • Organs typically transplanted are the heart, kidneys, liver, lungs, pancreas, and the intestine
  • May also involve the cornea, skin, and veins


  • Is a medical device intended to replace a missing body part, support a damaged part, or enhance the body in some way
  • May be made of titanium, silicone or apatite
  • Certain implants may contain electronic components
  • Certain implants are bioactive
  • May cause a number of complications including infection, inflammation, pain and rejection of the implant 


comments 1 Comments

  • Raphael Gorodetsky . 3+ yrs. ago

Implants could also be artificial cellular constructs (with cells) as long as they are not a tissue or whole organ which is transferred from one area or individual to another

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