US Education System vs. Indian Education System

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Difference between US Education System and Indian Education System

Although both India and the U.S. provide a good quality education, there are many differences in the way this task is accomplished. Students from both countries have shown great potential and have contributed in almost every sphere across the world. We might easily see the craze among Indian students to study in America, but we cannot overlook the success that Indian students (which of course are the products of Indian education system only) have had in American universities. So the moot question remains which one is better? Following differences might help you to stick to one of the two choices.

US Education System
Indian Education System


The semester system is widely adopted in India with a final exam at the end of each semester that accounts for around 75-80% of the total marks. The remaining 20-25% is awarded in frequent session tests, 2-3 in number per semester. In contrast to this, American institutions have a different evaluation system. Students are tested throughout the semester in midterms and the marks distribution (which is more or less even) is in the hands of teacher. Hence, there is nothing like a final test and one must be sound in the subject throughout. Some tests may even be comprehensive and it is the teacher who sets the rules of the test, whereas Indian colleges follow a strict examination pattern common for all.


Assignments are not that common in India as compared to US where these have significant value and can help the student in improving the overall score. Students are given assignments regularly, maybe weekly or after every fifteen days. Although submitting these at the graduation level is not compulsory, but is always recommended. Indian teachers are not terribly enthusiastic about giving assignments and like to judge their students by the session tests, although they vary from teacher to teacher.


Group as well as individual projects are weighted heavily in US. These are accountable for 20-40% of the grade. This is for the practical implementation of the subject. Group comprises of 2-5 member as per the requirement of the project. Indian students too have to submit projects, but mainly in the final years of their courses. Projects are not part of curriculum in every semester but only the final year whereas you have plenty of these in the US educational institutions.


The GPA (grade point average) system is widely used in American educational institutions, while in India they’re not popular yet. Indian systems stick to percentage marks obtained whereas in GPA relative marking is implemented and student is provided a grade point on the scale of 4 or 5. It helps the student to evaluate where does he/she stand with respect to rest of the class. Few Indian institutes too have switched to this system on the scale of 10, but it is yet to gain popularity so as to defeat the percentage system in India.


Education System in US

  • Examinations and quizzes at regular intervals with equal distribution of marks
  • Weekly assignments
  • Projects - 20-40% of the grade
  • Grade Point Average (GPA) is used widely

Education System in India

  • Final exam is conducted at the end of each semester – 75-80% of total marks
  • No stress on weekly assignments
  • Percentage system is quite famous
  • Some have switched to GPA and many are in the process of changing

Which one has more school sessions each year?
  • US Education System
  • Indian Education System

comments 1 Comments

  • raksha . 3+ yrs. ago

helped me a lot in my social assignment.

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