Plenty of Fish vs. Okcupid: What is the difference?

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Difference between Plenty of Fish and Okcupid

Online dating has benefited a lot of people, especially those who prefer to get to know others who are interested in the same sort of personal relationship via casual conversation before setting out on a relationship. It no longer necessary to endure the painful process of embarking on the journey of relationships with people only to find out that the relationship included many misunderstanding between two very different people. Hence, it can take years and years to meet the right girl or boy. Similarly, a verywell-liked online dating site in UK, Canada, United States and Australia is Plenty of Fish. Another famous dating site is Okcupid which is famous for its various features like “winks”, instant messages, etc. that make it fun for people interested in online dating.

Plenty of Fish


Markus Frind is a graduate from the British Columbia Institute of Technology is the CEO and founder of the Plenty of Fish dating site launched in 2004. The site was independently handled until 2007 at which stage it became an organization with many employees.

Students of Harvard University, Chris, Christian, Max and Sam are the proud founders of this wonderful dating site called Okcupid. The first name of this site was The which later was renamed as the Okcupid. The was more like a set of self personality quizzes that also included the famous Myers-Briggs style match test.


The popularity of Plenty of Fish started with it being featured in many popular video albums like the “Available” and Lady Gaga’s album. Celebrities’ involvement such as the Lady Gaga contest wherein single men were asked to play the contest and win an opportunity to go on a date with the pop star is seen as boosting this site’s popularity.

The popularity of the Okcupid site began with the launch of a Crazy Blind Date concept in the year 2007. The most attractive feature of this site is its design in that it makes users comfortable when accessing it. Along with its popularity, Okcupid has been able to generate revenues due to features like ‘A-list’ which is offered on a paid basis. The friendly language of the site has been a plus point contributing much to its ultimate fame.

Textual Comfort

Plenty of Fish makes it easy for users to input small fragments of writing and at times this aspect is taken as a good one by some and as a bad one by others. It is very difficult to have conversations with somebody new with only limited writing ability.

As far as Okcupid is concerned, it is much easier for the user to input as much text as required - with a limit of paragraphs- making it more conducive for people to get to know each other and extend their conversations to a successful date.


  • Online dating should be a platform that makes everybody at ease in order to make the right choice. Go forth and choose wisely.
  • Professionals have made online dating easier with the development of these dating sites.
  • The popularity of Plenty of Fish can be credited to celebrities’ involvement whereas the success of Okcupid is due largely to its features.
  • Text chatting is better featured on Okcupid.

Plenty of Fish Interview


OkCupid Interview


comments 13 Comments

  • Blabbio . 3+ yrs. ago

Plentyoffish is poorly designed, and run by an idiot. OKCupid has neither of those qualities.

  • Donna . 3+ yrs. ago

POF is not FREE. You have to pay now to see if your emails have been read by the person you sent them to. So they need to remove all of their advertising that says "100% free" because it's not free. It's false advertising.

  • Vivien Leigh . 3+ yrs. ago

I never paid until I stopped last March when I met my current boyfriend at POF...when did they start to charge? Vivien

  • Jennifer . 3+ yrs. ago

I love the fact that you have to upgrade now to see if someone's deleted your message or not. Before I would delete messages from guys who clearly hadn't read my profile (or could pass the first round of a spelling test) and they would **** at me for it! Now it's much more comfortable to use the site.

  • bothsites suck . 3+ yrs. ago

dont be a cunthammer

  • John Mark . 3+ yrs. ago

Are you a ****?

  • Paul . 3+ yrs. ago

I've used both now, and after making my OkCupid account I was really impressed. Plenty of FIsh is amateurish site when compared with OKCupid which is very slick and well done. The proof is in the pudding though: My POF profile has probably been viewed by 100 women in about 6 mos, the same profile on OKCupid has been viewed by 102 women (last time I checked) in only the first week after making it. I have had more emails from women on OkCupid in the first week than 6 mos on POF WITH THE SAME PROFILE, i just cut and paste my POF profile to OKCupid. So after that I basically just deleted my POF account, because there's no point. Don't waste your time with POF.

  • Lucian . 3+ yrs. ago

I agree in general with Paul, however, in my experience the surprising amount of attention you get on OKCupid at first rapidly evaporates after about 4 weeks. I think they must make an effort to show new profiles to lots of people so that they get a good impression of the site, but after the first month you're lucky to get one visitor a week.

  • William . 3+ yrs. ago

The difference between daintg on cupid and pof is the difference between good dentistry and missing teeth. I live in NYC. p When I put an ad for single available gals in nyc that are interested in art and nature on pof,I get divorced moms from jersey u on the backs of harleys holding a bottle of budwiser. Same ad on cupid gets me a botanist that takes night classes in stone carving and that lives in nyc. POF is made for the masses and it serves its purpose, like toilet paper or fast food. Cupid is made for those of that are a bit different.

  • Janice . 3+ yrs. ago

OkCupid is still free and Plenty of fish is now charging users to use some of their features therefore OkCupid is better. There is also oceansofpeople which is similiar to plenty of fish and it is completely free.

Try oceansofpeople because it is completely free like OkCupid, POF has become fishy.

  • Tom . 3+ yrs. ago

Hey Janice,

I went on to oceansofpeople and it's really good, great recommendation!



  • CHOPPERGIRL . 3+ yrs. ago

Both sites suck... I refer to them as PlentyOfRottenFish and OkStoopid.

POF is a meat market of stupid older washed upredneck hillbilly christian nascar my country right or wrong republicans. Being old and washed up per say is not a bad thing, but their politics and intelligence levels are appalling.

OkS is a bunch of snotty college level misogynist flamers, trolls, and griefers. On the surface it looks like a site of classy young people, until you visit the forums and start reading the oceans of hate garbage these people post.

You can get dates on both. Most likely, you will regret said date.

  • Hugo boss . 3+ yrs. ago

stop using these sites for randy misfits

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