Because we now have to consider others health choice such as being Muslim or vegetarian so the easiest choice would be shortening
More commonly used in cooking and baking. Lard is better known for frying and Mexican food if you live in the US
Cheaper to produce for use in prepackaged foods.
Longer shelf life
I've never seen lard listed as a prepackaged food ingredient.
it create the right short texture
It's chemically produced - cheaper -Lard is a true product, healthier and less advertised.
Lard is not kosher. Some people don't like the idea of eating pig fat, especially vegetarians. Lard is higher in saturated fats, not as healthy.
Better texture and the manufacturer can control the processes with shortening. Lard sometimes causes variants in the process and the final product.
cheaper, more "healthy"
because people usually see lard as "fat", and really don't see shortening the same way.
It keeps longer in the food.