Divorce Rate U.S. or World Divorce Rate: Does divorce cause more domestic issues in the U.S. or abroad?

  • Divorce Rate U.S.
  • World Divorce Rate
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Divorce Rate U.S. - 6World Divorce Rate
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
‘Till death do us part is a vow before God, family and friends. A persons word should be everything. Not just an “I’m not happy, and ooh look over there, he/she’s cute!” As one who came within inches of a divorce 17 years ago, we are very happily about to enjoy a naughty weekend away together to celebrate our 34th anniversary. We worked it through, by ‘fessing up to our stuff rather than pointing away at our partner......forgiving one another and re-learning (this time less selfishly) to love one another! It worked!!!!
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
High divorces separate Parents from their children. Children need both a Father and a mother.

In the U.S. the courts tend to be skewed in the women winning custody rights to their children almost all of the time.

What we have as a result is an increase in single mothers, which is not a good thing. I don't have anything personal against single mothers, as that is a huge burden. However, there is a politically incorrect truth to the fact that lots of the people in jail are the result of divorces and being raised in single mother homes.

Kids, especially boys need a strong father figure in their life. Unfortunately, most single mothers are not able to find a suitable father figure to substitute for the birth father. This leads us unfortunately to a very bad cycle of divorce, irresponsible fathers, and single mothers with their offspring.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
I dont think it needs an explanation
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
High divorce rate in U.S. has caused an epidemic of poverty such that more people are now dependent on the government. This has led to a huge strain on federal and state budgets. Single mother's often don't make good providers and care givers simultaneously. It is way too much to ask single parents to provide and properly raise kids all at once. The high divorce rate has horribly perpetuated this social problem and it has had profound economic impacts as well.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Divorce causes stress that can result to hightened psychological imbalance. it results to anger that can cause more domestic violence.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Americans are ignorant. Its socially tolerated to get divorced and berate your spouse and causes more domestic issues.
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