Bush's Katrina Crisis or Obama's BP Oil Spill Crisis: Which is worse?

  • Bush's Katrina Crisis
  • Obama's BP Oil Spill Crisis
Please select one to answer and see the result


Bush's Katrina Crisis - 3Obama's BP Oil Spill Crisis
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Bush and his administration were given prior warning of the disaster. By experts in the field. Repeatedly. AFTER the disaster hit, he flat out refused to react despite the legal ability to do so in the face of the disaster. When he did react it was still extremely slow and incompetent. Because of that disgusting reaction and inaction, he cost hundreds of lives and caused untold destruction to the state and cities.

Obama IMMEDIATELY reacted and responded to the best possible ability he was physically and administratively able to in the face of the oil spill. He was not warned beforehand and yet was able to provide the most support that was available to ANYONE in his position, regardless of being as or more competent, establishing some of the best support available. Sadly it was out of his control and the leaks damage was extremely hard to repair.

Pathetically conservative cries that "baww yous cant blame everything on Bush" didn't hold up against the evidence. That despite their right wing ignorance, the factual evidence showed the main damage (due to inability to shut it off) was due to Bushes policies regarding deregulation of safety features on the rig. Something nearly every nation in the world requires for such rigs.

The situations are the same only for conservatives. It may have been a disaster on Obamas watch but he was directly not responsible for it and did everything he was capable of doing within the fastest time he was capable of doing it. Where Bushes disaster was his deliberate inaction that caused a disaster to become an even greatest disaster DIRECTLY through his incompetence and inaction despite it being his responsibility to deal with it at the time.

  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
The Oil Spill Crisis did not results in thousands of lives being lost, many whoses bodies have still not been found.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
bcuz its been going on for years and he really didnt do anything to help it and its still people stranded down there till this very day
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