Love or Obsession: Which word describes your current relationship?

  • Love
  • Obsession
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Love - 5Obsession - 9
I have found someone that I care about very deeply and will sacrifice anything for, but come the time I need to let go, it wont be as hard as an obsessed person would have
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
I'll love her forever
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
i chose this one because we have been together for 2 years and we fight but still always love each other. we are happy together and he knows i would go to the end of the world for him as he would do for me!
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
I care for her, want the best for her, trust her, love her for who she is!
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
I texted, emailed, called her from different phones so much that she felt she needed to call the cops on me to control my behavior. Although I was very obsessive, I know I love her because I've cried and lost many hours of sleep for how my actions made her feel, and every time I texted her, I thought I can make her feel better about us, but I lacked the needed affection,and made things worse. Love is an uncontrollable feeling, but jealously and emtions needed to be checked if you want to substain it. She was my best friends sister. We dated for a month, and her brother intervened and showed his distaste of our relationship, causing her to cry hysterically and said we should break. We got back together but she went through my phone, without me knowing, saw that I was talkin to other girls the day we broke up, didn't tell me for 2 weeks, our communication failed and we became distant, and she became verbally abusive toward me, doing things like sticking her fingers down my throat sayin I'm better off being ****. She has been through a lot at such a young age of 19, sayin crazy things that's happened to her, like being raped and calling herself a drug addict. I'm 24 and should have been more mature and I accepted all her weaknesses. One night I was really drunk, and getting too attached, she said she had no faith in me. She drove my drunk self home and got my phone I left at the party we were at, and wrote me a note saying I'm perfect and she's the ****. The next day I wake up confused only remembering she told me she had no faith, I texted her saying, "I would have showed you the world, but if you have no faith in me, maybe we should separate",I disregarded her feelings, she called me, and sounded annoyed and disappointed after the text, broke up with me. I texted her the next day with no response from her. Later at 2 am, she opens my garage, and is on my lap, she asked if we can forget everything and start new. Her ex called at 230. I threw her phone she cried.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Two months and still constantly thinking about this girl. It doesn't help that we bump into eachother every now and then.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
i posses all the characteristics of being obsessed with my bf
but ive hurt him so many times.. i hang out with
just him and i dont like when he is with his friends.
when he doesn't give me the attention i need when i want it
i freak out and **** at him , thats some exapmles of how i know. i thought i loved him to
death by now i think its just a obsession not real love .
What should i do ?
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
my love has turned into an obsession. Since last 3 years it's more of an obsession. Earlier it was not So. I come from a conservative background so with her i used to have certain feelings which i couldn't help also. Like her wearing certain clothes, her dancing on stage, her going out too much with her friends. But at that time i was still ready to let her go and find a fresh life for herself. I dint want her to be unhappy with me. But she chose to understand my uneasiness n stayed with me but broke up after some time upon The same issues. N this kept on happening. She would come back and then leave me again. Now I'm not even able to lead a normal life.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
thinking about the person and wanting to be around them all the time.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
because i always think about him and call him to check where he is most of the time.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
because i've been stuck obsessing over a friend for 18 years before taking 4 years of getting help to get out. I'm not as obsessed as i was before, but that person still seeps from my heart and i can't seem to get their name out of my mouth.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Nice job. This has happened to me several times. Beware because it happens really fast. It took 9 months before it happened to me and almost overnight it became unhealthy. Then deteriorated for 4 months.

Be careful that the person you are in a relationship with does not string things along as you suffer. It makes it much worse.

Once things break off never try to go back no matter what you have to do.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
She is all i think about and negatively influences all other aspects of my life. The thing is i don't want this to be like this!

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