Bill Maher or Bill O'Reilly: Which personality do you like best?

  • Bill Maher
  • Bill O'Reilly
Please select one to answer and see the result


Bill Maher - 11Bill O'Reilly - 7
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
There is no comparison, Bill Maher is 100 times better than Bill O'Reilly.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
o'reilly doesn't resonate with me. maher is funnier. they're both disconnected in a way
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
rational. funny. has facts then derives his opinionated conclusions from them.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
He is more entertaining
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
He knows the truth.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Bill Maher doesn't make an **** of himself.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
not a righty
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
O'Reilly is far more conservative than my views. I do like to hear both sides of an issue but I think both Maher & O'Reilly lean to trumped up scare tactics for entertainment more than factual news. Therefore I'd rather watch/hear more rational/logical comparative reporting on issues than either of these two provide.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
He tells the truth far more often.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
I think Bill Maher is a comedian who genuinely wants free discussion about what is going on the world. He also admits that he can be wrong. O'reilly has a chip on his shoulder, wants to be taken seriously as a journalist by the "elites" he espouses hate towards. He isn't a journalist, he is an opinionator pandering to his audience of angry white men over 55. Admitting he is wrong is not something he is willing to do.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
bc he is swag
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
I consider myself to be an independant and just a little right of center.To me, O'Reilly is more fact driven and balanced in his positions and in his reporting.He is definitely conservative.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Maher swims in ridicule and personal mean spirited sarcasm. If his humor were based on truth, it would be funny.

O'Reilly is forthright, not personal, sticks to the topic. Sometimes too agressive.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
O'Reilly never uses vulgar language on his show when interviewing guest speakers, potty-mouth Maher does.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Bill Maher dodges people like Wayne Brady when he uses insult comedy as a political point.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Same surname as me
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Bill O'Reilly is not malicious, just truthful. Maher is the opposite, obviously, but also one who is repulsive and without a single redeeming quality.
  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago
Bill Maher is the political liberal equivalent of an angry ****. He constantly blames the conservatives for his bad timing and big mouth. O'Reilly, though he can be crass, is still the more honest of the two.

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