Sonogram vs. Ultrasound

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Difference between Sonogram and Ultrasound

Combining technology and medicine helps save lives through early diagnosis and treatment of diseases and disorders. Some of the greatest diagnostic methods that are in use today are the sonogram and the ultrasound. They are both used in determining any abnormal growth in the body and hence they then can be controlled or further measures taken. They help in avoiding procedures such as surgery which might be expensive and even risky. Sonograms and ultrasounds are safe alternatives to the x-ray and are used commonly in doctor’s offices everywhere.



A sonogram is the image that is produced as a result of reflections of sound waves that are emitted at high frequencies. The images are mainly of body organs and are at times used to note foetal development in the mother’s womb.

An ultrasound is a sound pressure that has a frequency beyond the upper limit of perception of human ear. The approximate value of this upper limit is 20,000 Hertz. Ultrasound is therefore any sound with a frequency that is above the 20,000 Hertz. This quality of sound can penetrate a body, and the reflected sound is noted in order to tell the shape of an object. This gives a very accurate perception of the object’s shape and size.


The sonogram is mainly used in the medical field. It is used in diagnosing problems with the internal structures such as tendons, muscles and many other internal organs. Its greatest use is usually in the pregnancy check ups. The sonogram is mainly limited to the medical field and especially the diagnosis part.

Ultrasound technology is used in numerous non-medical applications. For this article we will affirm that the ultrasound is used in the medical field. It is used in the study of internal body parts and diagnose them if need be. Its use is however not limited to the medical field only. Ultrasound is also used by animals such as bats and dolphins for communicating. The have ultrasound transmitters and receptors. It also helps them in navigation.


Sonograms are relatively safe compared to several other diagnostic options. They are quick and give almost perfect results.

Ultrasound has its own side effects though minimal. Continuous exposure to ultrasound is therefore not advisable. In as much as our ears might not perceive it, it could even lead to hearing loss.

Similarities and Differences

  • Both the sonogram and ultrasound are used in determining shapes of objects, especially internal ones, which cannot be seen without cutting through the object.
  • The sonogram is the image while the ultrasound is the technology used to produce the image.
  • Sonograms and ultrasounds are not considered to be harmful but continuous exposure is however not recommended.


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