Birth Control vs. Contraception

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Difference between Birth Control and Contraception

In the context of modern life, people no longer can afford having a large family. Priorities have changed. Young married people are focused on building careers. Most don’t feel ready or financially prepared to support having children immediately after finishing their studies or even before graduating. Contraception methods are adopted to avoid unwanted pregnancies. In China, child birth is such an extensive phenomenon that authorities have tried to establish birth control laws to limit the number of children a family can have to one or two. Still, it is a questionable process which needs further debate due to moral issues involved.


For a thorough birth control program in most states there are family planning agencies that can help individuals with advice on their sexual life and ways to avoid pregnancy. These are commonly called contraception methods. There is a variety of such products on the market. Barrier methods relate to use of condoms, diaphragm or spermicide to prevent sperm from entering a woman’s reproductive system. Hormonal products are made of synthetic female and male hormones which can be taken under the form of combined contraceptive pills. Single based hormone such as progestin enters the organism by an intramuscular injection on a prescribed timetable. Intrauterine devices are of two types: devices shaped as the letter T made of copper (spermicide effect) and devices which release synthetic hormone called progestin. Sterilization is a permanent method; so much consideration is needed before use. It is a surgical way to bind together fallopian tubes in a woman’s reproductive system to avoid sperm from reaching the egg. For men the process is called vasectomy and implies tying the ducts through which sperm passes causing ejaculation. Birth control methods include abstinence from intercourse, surgical abortion or plant induced abortion, sterilization after having the desired number of children. Due to population growth, in some countries the latter became a practice.


Efficiency is measured by how many women get pregnant in the first year they use a specific contraception method. Most effective are of course sterilization processes at males and females and intrauterine devices which do not require constant user input. Condoms used correctly can have a first year failure rate of only 3 to 6 percent. That means that up to 6 women from 100 get pregnant in their first year of use. Birth control can be an effective process if family planning is used on a widespread community scale.


Cost of contraception methods varies greatly according to frequency of use, health care provider and many others. The cost of birth control services offered by family planning agencies has specific location rates. There is insurance for birth control so you may use that when visiting the agency.

Similarities and Differences

  • Birth control methods include abstinence, surgical abortion and sterilization. Contraception methods are condom and diaphragm use, hormonal pills, intrauterine devices and many others.
  • Effectiveness is measured taking into account how many women get pregnant after using contraception. For birth control to be considered effective family planning agencies need to have community impact.
  • Cost of contraception and services provided by specialized agencies varies according to multiple factors.

Which term is more popular?
  • Birth Control
  • Contraception

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