Wibiya vs. Meebo Toolbars

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Difference between Wibiya and Meebo Toolbars

Toolbars are some of the most essential components of any website. Good examples are Wibiya and Meebo’s own offerings, which provide you with a means for sharing content through your site, as well as an avenue for social integration. With the need to interact with as many users as possible across numerous social platforms, these toolbars are practically indispensable tools to have in your arsenal, as you will see in this comparison article.

Set Up

Both Wibiya and Meebo Toolbars are quite easy to install, and experienced bloggers should be able to get them up and running in a few minutes at most. After install though, you get the sense that Meebo has a few less features than Wibiya, which is apparent in the next section.

Integration And Features

Unlike Wibiya, Meebo does not allow you to post to Twitter directly. Wibiya on the other hand allows you to see your posts and even to respond to tweets right from the toolbar. Meebo users are also only able to follow other users or hashtags, which may or may not be of any importance depending on how much you use the Twitter tool.

Meebo does offer a Facebook fan page, but Wibiya has this as well. In addition, Wibiya allows visitors to see comments on FaceBook, while Meebo does not allow such functionality. The Meebo toolbar does offer pretty good chat functionality, allowing easy access to Twitter, Facebook, AIM, Yahoo, Google, and many other chat services. In addition, you can even start chatting via the Meebo window.

Both Wibiya and Meebo offer share functionality in varying degrees. Wibiya does have the edge in that it provides more social networking sites compared to Meebo’s access to only Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, and e-mail.

YouTube functionality is provided by the Meebo toolbar as well. This allows you to show videos via a single YouTube account, and even allows your visitors to access videos without having to leave your site. Wibiya for its part offers a number of added features such as games and a search bar, although these may not be as important to all users.

The Verdict

Wibiya easily comes in well ahead of Meebo in terms of features, although Meebo does redeem itself somewhat with its superb chat feature that allows an easy way to get in touch with Facebook contacts. This feature also allows you to log out of chat easily, and your contacts can leave a message for later. Meebo also provides features that allow you to share content very easily via a slick drop and drag function.

Similarities and Differences


  • Easy to install
  • Allows visitors to see comments on FaceBook
  • Allows you to see Twitter posts and even to respond to tweets right from the toolbar

Meebo Toolbars

  • Easy to install
  • Does not allow you to post to Twitter directly
  • Offers pretty good chat functionality


comments 3 Comments

  • Carlton . 3+ yrs. ago

Meebo is so much faster and sexier that it's not funny.

My visitors complained when I had Wibiya and thanked me when I had Meebo.

  • Philip . 3+ yrs. ago

Amen to that!

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