Google vs. Baidu

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Difference between Google and Baidu

Internet search engines have proven to be very useful tools when browsing through the extended amount of information available online. Google, Yahoo, Bing, MSN and others have made it easier for people to find relevant results in just a matter of seconds. We rely on powerful mechanisms like recommendation systems with high speed response. A few search engines have distinguished themselves from others through constant improvement of their services and extended portfolio of services, namely those of Google and Yahoo.

In some countries, local search engines compete with previous two giants bringing local technology and knowledge into the game. Baidu is one of them.


Google is a multinational corporation based in California which offers Internet searches, public cloud computing technologies and advertising services on an international scale.

Baidu is a Chinese based company which offers Internet search services and advertising services in China and Japan.


Google and Baidu users can research the Internet for websites, images and videos. The algorithms are designed to return within seconds relevant results in reference to the keyword that generated the search. Content is censored on Baidu, so many websites related to human rights, Tibet independence and other topics of that sort are excluded from the list of search results.

Baidu Video Search lists videos of Chinese artists uploaded on various third party websites like or There is no option to refine the results. Google Videos returns music videos of international artists enabling the user to refine the search by choosing the video hosting website (YouTube or another), the length of the video or the upload date.

Baidu Image Search enables the user to browse through millions of images. The list of results can be refined by size, type or category. Google Images allows access to billions of picture which you can sort by size, type or color.

Baidu Map is a service which enables user to browse for directions on the map of China. Google Maps is an application allowing people to access maps from all over the world. For satellite pictures, directions to nearby restaurants and many other travel related guidance, users can install Google Earth.


Baidu search results are censored according to the policies of the Chinese government. Google search results are not censored. Some scans of books were removed as a result of lawsuits filed against Google for infringement of intellectual property, namely when Google published content from French author La Martinière and works of some American authors. Future plans include the selling of digital books.

Similarities and Differences

  • Baidu is a search engine for Chinese and Japanese users. Google is an international search engine.
  • Baidu and Google enable users to search for websites, images and videos.
  • Baidu search results are censored in line with government policies. Google content is not censored.


comments 1 Comments

  • riley . 3+ yrs. ago

google dos censor, and just as much as baidu does. i am on google all the time looking for incriminating information pertaining to the u.s and its allies, but i come up with very little. instead, what i find is mostly information that is flattering of the u.s and its allies. this is why google pushes itself so hard onto others, so that they can control the flow of information that is favourable to the west, and the imperialist cause. let's not also forget that the internet was invented by the u.s military, so i doubt that the internet is there to inform us, free from censorship. if anything, the internet is used to tell the u.s side of the story, and block out the voice of everyone else. how much information do you think we can get from the Iraqi, and Afgan side on google? i've been able to find next to nothing.

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