Godaddy vs. 1and1 vs. Network Solutions

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Difference between Godaddy, 1and1 and Network Solutions

Domain providers are a dime a dozen nowadays, and you could virtually choose from any one of the more prominent ones and be assured of good service. Among the three top names in the business are GoDaddy, 1and1, and Network Solutions, and it is these three that are the subjects of this comparison article.


Ease Of Use

As far as ease of use goes, Network Solutions has a lot to learn from the competition. While there is something to be said about it being a secure system, the fact that Network Solutions limits developer options in the interests of security is a bit questionable. Most non-developers probably wouldn't care about not having full access to an SQL database, but users that are in need of custom web applications would be better off going for and instead, both of which offer far more functionality for developers.


While GoDaddy and 1and1 generally charge reasonable rates, Network Solutions is quite a bit higher priced, particularly with regard to domain registration costs. The company charges as much as $12 annually for a “.com” domain for starters, with another $15.96 tacked on if you want to have an email account. for its part charges only $8.99 a year for a similar “.com” domain package, with an email account available for only an additional $11.88 for the year. GoDaddy is even cheaper at $10.69 a year for a “.com” domain, AND this price already includes an email account. Furthermore, the low cost of GoDaddy is made more attractive by the fact that you can re-sell their services at an even lower price.

The value of Network Solutions’ WordPress Hosting package is also quite limited, with GoDaddy offering a much more comprehensive free Wordpress installation package with all of their hosting accounts, which goes for their $3.99 a month hosting package as well. Along with all these, GoDaddy even throws in multiple FTP accounts and SQL databases, and a full featured template-based website system that is really quite useful.

Customer Service

Customer services is another area where Network Solutions lags behind the other two. Not to say that Network Solutions’s customer service is that bad, mind you. It is just that the competition offers much better support. Of the three, is it is probably GoDaddy that offers the best customer service, followed closely behind by 1and1.

Similarities and Differences


  • Offers the best customer service
  • $10.69 a year for a “.com” domain
  • Price includes an email account


  • Offers pretty good customer service
  • Charges only  $8.99 a year for a similar “.com” domain package

Network Solutions

  • Customer service is okay, but can't compare with the other two
  • Limits developer options in the interests of security
  • Not the best choice for users that are in need of custom web applications

Which domain site is better?
  • Godaddy
  • 1and1
  • Network Solutions

comments 3 Comments

  • Mike . 3+ yrs. ago

When was this written? I need to know how current the information is as these things tend to change over time. Thanks.

  • Clark . 3+ yrs. ago

Seems fairly relevant as of Feb 2012

  • John . 3+ yrs. ago

Old as of Sept 2013: 1and1 domains are ~$14 now. Others may have had to raise their rates too.

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