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Difference between TOEFL and SAT

The path toward education is typically strewn with numerous tests, examinations, and various other requirements that you have to pass in order to prove your mettle. Some of the more familiar tests for those seeking further education are TOEFL and SAT, both of which are the subjects of this comparison article.


In Brief

The TOEFL or Test of English as a Foreign Language is typically given in order to measure a candidate's ability to understand the English language as it is spoken in North America. People who take this test are typically those who speak English, although not as a first language.

As for the SAT, it is a set of standardized tests in which potential college applicants are deemed worthy of admission via common measuring techniques.

These two tests are the most important given by major colleges in the United States, and the resulting scores are evaluated in order to determine the student’s strengths and weaknesses, and his or her performance level during the first year of college.


TOEFL is comprised of three sections: listening comprehension, which gauges the candidate's ability to understand North American English; structure and written expressions, which measures the applicant's ability to distinguish correct grammar in English; and reading comprehension, which tests for the candidate’s ability to understand short English passages. Applicants who take the TOEFL are also typically given a written English test, in which they are assigned a specific topic and required to write an appropriate essay.

As for the SAT, it is comprised of two parts: mathematics and verbal skills. Among the subjects covered in the SAT are English Literature, U.S. History, World History, Level 1 and Level 2 mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and some languages, with Chinese, German; Spanish, Italian and Japanese being some of the most common.


The TOEFL and SAT is often both given to students in order to gauge their feasibility for admission. in addition various other tests may be given, depending on the specific course that is being applied for.

Similarities and Differences


  • Typically given to measure a candidate's ability to understand North American English
  • Typically given to non native English speakers
  • Comprised of three sections: listening comprehension, structure and written expressions, and reading comprehension
  • Candidates are also typically given a written English test
  • Given by major colleges in the United States
  • Used to evaluate performance level during the first year of college


  • Is a set of standardized tests by which potential college applicants are tested for admission feasibility by way of common testing techniques
  • Comprised of two parts: mathematics and verbal skills
  • Typically covers English Literature, U.S. History, World History, Level 1 and Level 2 mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and certain languages
  • Given by major colleges in the United States
  • Used to evaluate a academic strengths and weaknesses


comments 2 Comments

  • sara . 3+ yrs. ago

it is important to understand Differences between TOEFL and SAT. helpful for students

  • sara . 3+ yrs. ago

Good post about TOEFL it is very useful for students

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