Breastfeeding vs. Baby Formula: Caring for Baby

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Difference between Breastfeeding and Baby Formula

A mother’s traditional and natural response to babies is often breastfeeding. It has happened for the entire duration of human life on the Earth. Most health experts and mothers are of the opinion that breastfeeding is still the only way to raise a child, although the changing roles of women in modern society has resulted in many being unable to breastfeed, and to resort to baby formula instead. While it is entirely possible to raise a happy healthy child on baby formula, it does require some care and knowledge if a mother is to provide her child with the proper nutrition, as you will see from this comparison article.

Baby Formula

Nutrition Concerns

Breastfeeding obviously has a number of nutritional advantages over baby formula. For starters, breast milk contains numerous amino acids that are essential for helping babies manufacture proteins, which of course aid in muscle development. Breast milk also contains sugars and fast that babies need. In addition, the vitamins, enzymes, and minerals in breast milk will help enhance your baby’s digestive functions.

Breast milk also serves to fight off infections, since it contains numerous antibodies from the mother. This is why babies who are breast-fed generally suffer from fewer incidences of infections during their early years. And while cholesterol is something that most adults shy away from (or should, at least), the cholesterol content in breast milk helps speed up brain development and provides your baby with the raw ingredients for the formation of hormones, vitamin D, and bile.

While there are many baby formulas on the market that provide adequate nutrition for babies that are being weaned off breast milk, none of them can totally take the place of breast milk. Furthermore, there is a considerable risk of your baby developing an allergy to a particular baby formula. This is often manifested as irritability, nausea, diarrhea, and/or skin rashes, and your baby may cry without any apparent reason after feeding.

Cost And Frequency Of Feeding

Breast milk also has the advantage of costing less than baby formula. That being said, the mother may have additional costs in making sure that she maintains the proper nutrition with vitamin and mineral supplements possibly being necessary.

You should also be aware that babies who are breastfed trend to feed more frequently than babies who subsist on baby formula since breast milk is digested much more quickly.

Other Benefits

One notable advantage of breastfeeding is that the mother will lose weight more quickly after childbirth since breastfeeding can result in hundreds of calories lost daily. Baby formula also brings about a feeling of intimacy and closeness between mother and baby that is simply not achievable with formula feeding.

New formulations have come a long way in providing a satisfactory nutritional supplement for babies. Feeding your baby formula does have the advantage of allowing your entire family to share in the closeness and responsibility of feeding. This in turn may allow the mother more time to rest.



  • Provides more nutrients for the baby
  • Reduces the risk of allergies
  • Costs less than baby formula

Baby formula

  • May provided sufficient nutrients for older babies
  • Is not a perfect substitute for breast milk
  • Allows mothers more time to rest

Which method is more popular?
  • Breastfeeding
  • Baby Formula

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