Whole Grains vs. Cereal

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Difference between Whole Grains and Cereal

Whole grains are a consistent and healthy breakfast for people worldwide. They contain the recommended dosages of vitamins, minerals, oils, carbohydrates and proteins needed for a good morning boost. In some cultures, cereals are the primary ingredient in all meals. Cereals can be farmed in most parts of the world in temperate climate areas as well as in warmer climates. They are annual crops cultivated on large portions of land for the harvest and are stored for use until the next year. Most known cereals are wheat, rye, oats, barley, maize and rice. They can be used in various combinations when forming flour, bread, baked goods such as biscuits, breakfast cereal and others.

Whole Grains

Grain Components

Whole grains refer to cereals which have bran, germ and endosperm. The bran is the outer shell of the grain containing the protein called aleurone. It is also rich in dietary fiber and minerals, vitamins and carbohydrates. The germ is the part responsible for the reproduction of the plant. Wheat germ contains the vitamin E, folic acid, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium and fiber. The endosperm is the tissue which surrounds the embryo. It is rich in oils and proteins. All these 3 elements make the nutritional value of whole grains. Refined cereal grains contain only the endosperm, the bran and germ are considered by-products of the milling process. Thus it mainly contains of carbohydrates and lacks vitamins, fibers, minerals and many other found in the removed grain components.


Whole grains are synonymous with a nutritious meal each day which is a good base for one’s diet. As they are rich in fiber they provide a sensation of satiety which will impede persons wanting to lose weight from eating more than required during the day. Refined cereal as a carbohydrate based product may help you to lose weight, but one does so by eliminating very important nutritious elements for one’s health. It is a known fact proven by extensive studies that balancing nutrients and not focusing on just one group has a positive healthy effect on the body.

Bodily Effects

Fiber from whole grains keeps blood sugar at normal levels and thus provides nutritional fortification to fight against diabetes. It also reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases and heart attacks. Diminished cholesterol level is also a positive effect from whole grains consumption. Cereal and vegetable consumption is highly encouraged as they can provide the necessary mixture of nutrients. As refined cereal contains a greater level of carbohydrates, excessive quantities could cause hyperglycemia.


  • Whole grains are more nutritious than cereal as they contain all 3 important components: bran, germ and endosperm. Cereal is starch based providing mainly carbohydrates.
  • A diet of whole grains is healthier than one of cereal only.
  • Fiber, minerals, vitamins and many more substances in whole grains are an excellent mixture of nutrients. Cereal lacks many useful nutrients for the body.


comments 1 Comments

  • Linda Squibb . 3+ yrs. ago

Doesn't tell me the DIFFERENCE between Grains and Cereals.....mixes the terms.

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