SEO vs. SMO: Which is better?

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Difference between SEO and SMO

SEO or search engine optimization may be a familiar–if not exactly household–term by now, although that probably isn't the case with SMO or social media optimization. But while you may not quite be aware of what the latter is yet, you should know that both SEO and SMO are essential in ensuring a high ranking for your website on the major search engines. Let's take a look at how you can put both to work for you in as effective a manner as possible.


SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a set of techniques by which a particular site can achieve a high ranking on the results pages of the major search engines. It does this by making sure that your site is as closely optimized for search engines as possible. SEO also aims to make your site easily accessible to search engine spiders, thus increasing its chances of being indexed. SMO or Social Media Optimization for its part is mainly intended to make a site as user friendly as possible, thereby increasing readership.

Traffic Peaks And Valleys

While SEO has been around for quite some time now, it is only fairly recently that SMO has come into widespread attention, as social networking sites have virtually conquered the online world. That being said, traffic generated by SMO tends to be less consistent than that which results from a properly implemented SEO campaign, although it may still be used to generate loads of traffic in a consistent manner.

Backlinks are key to Search Engine Optimization. You can get backlinks in many ways.

1. Directory Submission

2. Article submissions to article sites like Ezine, Articlebase, etc

3. Create Twitter, Facebook accounts and update your new content

4. Submit your sites to Social BookMarking sites like Digg, Stumbleupon, mixx, etc

5. Forum posting

6. Link exchange

7. Create a blog in Wordpress, Typepad, etc

8. Use pingomatic to ping new content

Create backlinks gradually, otherwise Google may put your site in a sandbox

Networking And Traffic Concerns

One aspect in which SEO and SMO are markedly different is in terms of networking. While SMO relies heavily on networking and developing robust profiles, SEO does not necessarily require these. SEO also results in traffic that closely targets your particular niche, while SMO results in a snowball effect in which increased readership will have the effect of pulling in even more readers to your site.

Finally, SEO generally means that you are in competition with other sites in your chosen niche, although SMO allows you to help other sites in the process of building your own reader base, since you are not in direct competition with them.



  • Inbound links greatly influence page ranking
  • Also relies in large part on title tags, headers, image title, bold text and proper keyword usage
  • Aims to make a site easy to read for search engine spiders
  • Places high priority on content quality and site structure


  • Proper implementation will benefit SEO efforts as well
  • Not so much importance placed on coding and tags
  • Relies in large part on visually attractive and/or striking elements
  • Places a lot of importance on titles and headlines
  • Aims to make a site easy to read for humans
  • Quality content is essential for maintaining reader interest
  • Relies on visual impact as well


comments 11 Comments

  • Tony . 3+ yrs. ago

Great article, good comparison. One thing though, it is really pain in the butt to optimize for Bing. All the search engines crawling fine in my website except Bing. I submitted sitemaps, submitted urls, what not.

No wonder why Bing does not have good market share.

  • Ron . 3+ yrs. ago

Very clear and elaborate. Thanks for sharing the list of ways to get backlinks, I have been searching internet to find this, could not find all info in one place. Hope to see more SEO comparisons/articles in the future. Great site...

  • Nikhil . 3+ yrs. ago

good info on seo. I thought both seo and smo are same.

  • Terry . 3+ yrs. ago

So, what is SEM? is it same as SMO? if not could you please write article on SEO vs SEM?


  • professional web developers . 3+ yrs. ago

Great post!Thanks for the good info! The ideas and insights are very worth reading. You really gave valuable information..:)

  • article submission service . 3+ yrs. ago

nice post !!!!

SMO is a wise tactic which everyone need to follow........specially for someone who has just started his business and wanna shine high on the search engine ....

  • mobile application development . 3+ yrs. ago

SMO is one of the better way to world knows about the website or company. Also lot of people find it quite interesting to promote through social medias. That is the reason why it is gaining popularity.

SEO is based on search engine algorithms which keeps on updating at regular interval. This makes webmaster to keep themselves update from search engine algorithms.

Both the techniques are very handy in promoting websites and gaining ROI.


  • article submission . 3+ yrs. ago

hey...thanks for the information..i just want to know what is the best option, SEO or SMO to start a new online buisness?? and what is the fast and cheap way from both???

  • website for articles . 3+ yrs. ago

Very informative post.Easy to understand. Thanks for the summary.

  • forum submission . 3+ yrs. ago

Thanks for explaining the difference between SMO and SEO.. It's a great help to all those who are not aware of it.. I am glad I visited here and come to know about it.. There is a great scope of both these days..

  • Anja Paatelainen . 3+ yrs. ago

I can say SEO is better and tested how ever SMO also good one.Anyway i love the way you explain the differences about them and your all right about it.In Finland country SEO is most popular and SMO is only second on it.

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