Sugar Free vs. Fat Free: Which is better?

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Difference between Sugar Free and Fat Free

With obesity, diabetes and heart diseases rampantly affecting everyone today, it is almost a must to watch what one eats. Thankfully, commercial products have seen through this unsightly phenomenon and have become more diet-friendly. When one goes to do the groceries, one can notice how everything is labeled sugar-free or fat-free. Whether this is a means to sell better, or an authentic promise of better health, it’s worth knowing what these two labels are actually saying. 

Sugar Free
Fat Free


Fat-free means the food you are eating has less than .5 gram of fat per serving. The loss of fat in these types of food is usually compensated for by adding whipability or volume, anything to mimic the taste of fat so that the food doesn't take off. For instance, fat-free chips don’t necessarily have to be tasteless chips.

On the other hand, sugar-free good items have natural sugars usually found in fruits, but no added sugars like table sugar, honey, corn syrup or even brown sugar. Usually, foods that are sugar-free don’t mean they are bland-tasting. There are non-caloric sweeteners added to these foods to maintain the taste.

Target Consumers

Fat-free products target consumers who are weight-conscious. They may not always be overweight or obese; in fact, they could even be the people with ideal height and weight ratios. Fat-free products appeal to individuals who would like to maintain a slim figure without having to sacrifice eating what foods they love.  

Sugar-free also appeals to consumers who are trying to watch their weight, since sugar contributes to calories in the body. But more importantly, sugar-free products are best for those who are keeping an eye on their sugar intake. Take diabetics, for instance. Their body does not have enough insulin that helps the body absorb the sugar and turn it into energy, so sugar stays in the blood.  

Typical Products

You can typically find the label “fat-free” on normally greasy or calorie-laden foods such as fried foods, potato chips and cakes. You can also find them on dairy products like milk, yogurt, cream, and even ice-cream. Today, on the Web, you will come across several recipes for fat-free home-made dishes.

You will see “sugar-free” on products which usually contain a considerable amount of sugar like gums, cakes, pastries, coffees, carbonated drinks, fruit juices and candy. Remember, however, that just because they are sugar-free, doesn't mean they are fat-free as well.


  • Fat-free means less than .5 grams of fat per serving. Sugar-free means no added sugar except for non-caloric or non-nutritive sweeteners or natural sugars.
  • Fat-free choices are for those who would like to maintain an ideal weight and figure. Sugar-free are for those who are watching their blood sugar levels closely.
  • Fat-free foods are usually chips, dairy products and desserts. Sugar-free foods are usually candies, drinks, and confectioneries.
  • Fat-free foods are not always sugar-free, and sugar-free foods are not always fat-free. 


comments 3 Comments

  • Rob . 3+ yrs. ago

I had the same dilemna myself. I chose the sugar free. I only chose this because I already incorporate low fat cheeses, low fat yogurts, lean meats, low fat sour cream into my foods. I don't really do sugar free anything. I don't eat a lot of sugar but do get my share of it with my fruits. That's how I chose anyway.

  • Tina . 3+ yrs. ago

I would think sugar free would be better , because there is already fat in what you eat, and sugar turns into fat, so why would you add more fat to what you are already getting?

  • Dan B . 3+ yrs. ago

Question: What does fat free help with diabetic and watching sugar levels.

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