Goa vs. Kerala

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Difference between Goa and Kerala

India is known world over for its tourist attractions and among them are her beautiful beaches. Goa is bordered by Maharashtra on one side and Karnataka on the southern side of the state. The capital of Goa is Panaji whereas the capital of Kerala is Trivandrum. The state of Kerala is flanked by Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.

Goa is a more famous than Kerala for its beaches and churches. Although Kerala has also become quite popular for its magnificent beaches, it is yet to acquire the cult status of Goa as a tourist destination. If you want to visit a state that is famous for its beaches, then Goa is the ideal tourist spot. On other hand, Kerala is famous for backwaters and ayurveda, it has also much to offer in terms of architectural heritage because temples have been established here by the Chola dynasty.



Goa is the smallest Indian state in terms of its area. On the other hand, Kerala has an area of 38,863 Sq.Kms. The main language of this state is Konkani whereas Malayalam is the language spoken in Kerala. Kerala has lowest population growth rates as compared to the rest of the Indian cities. This is due to high literacy rate and family planning.


Goa and Kerala are among the richest states in India. Goa's GDP per capita is almost two and a half times that of the country. Kerala has the highest literacy levels in India at 91%. It also has the least amount of corruption. Goa on the other hand has high levels of crime, especially drug trafficking. The quality of life is much better in Kerala as compared to Goa. It has the highest ranking for human development index or HDI. The incomes in Kerala depend on the remittances sent by its residents to their relatives from the middle eastern gulf countries per year. Kerala has also seen a large amount of migration of its residents to Persian countries. On the other hand, Goa witnesses a large amount of immigration of foreign residents per year.


  • Religion-Hinduism is the main religion in both Goa and Kerala. 56% of the population residing in Kerala consists of Hindus.
  • Number of cultures-Goa has a multi-cultural history since it was ruled by Portuguese for a long time. On the other hand, Kerala although under different dynasties does not have such a multi-culturally diverse background.
  • Newspapers in nine different languages are published in Kerala. It also has the highest media exposure.
  • Night life-Goa has an active night life. It has the highest concentration of discotheques. Kerala does not have such a large number of discos and pubs. Kerala is concentrated on attracting tourists from all over the world. It has become one of the fastest growing tourist destinations. 

comments 9 Comments

  • justin . 3+ yrs. ago

This is a really good read for me, Must admit that you are one of the best bloggers I ever saw.Thanks for posting this informative article.

  • Arun . 3+ yrs. ago

ye , this is very nice comparitive studies between two most attractive states of india thanks !

  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago

No offense my neighbours, but by fact Goa is India's richest state with a GDP per capita two and a half times that of the country as a WHOLE...

I haven't clue from where you got the fact that Goa is a poor state... Plus I'd like to add that it is a fact that, 1/3 of Goan residents work abroad, whether its in the Gulf, Europe, Australia or the Americas...

There's also no language known as Goan, Goans are what the people are called; The languages spoken in Goa are Portuguese, Konkani, Marathi, and also Hindi...

  • Naveen . 3+ yrs. ago

the languages spoken should be in this order - Konkani, Hindi, English and also Portuguese....surprising the slave mentality still persists....

  • Anonymous . 3+ yrs. ago

CUTTING FROM THE “The COLONIAL TIMES”, (Africa’s largest selling Indian weekly) Caption PORTUGUESE METROPOLITAN STATUS FOR GOA Bombay Dec 18. 1946 Following a dispatch in the “Times of India”. The Governor General of Goa has announced that, The government of Portugal has passed a political statute for Goa that would give it the same status as province of Metropolitan Portugal (Reuters.) 1st Reaction PORTUGUESE METROPOLITAN STATUS FOR GOA Sir – The caption strikes one in the eye as pompous and which is the outcome of storms in a teacup of the Portuguese bureaucracy as circumstantial evidence certainly suggest. All the foreigners will agree that the Portuguese are a stupid race and to confirm their stupidity, here is their latest declaration; GOA HAS A STATUS OF METROPOLITAN PORTUGAL”. This declaration is meaningless and un-understandable. Gomantak differs from Portugal as the North Pole does from the South Pole. The Gomantakies know no other home or metropolis, save the few yards of space, which they possess in the land of sorrow and tears. Gomantak’s freedom cannot exist within the orbit of imperialism, Portuguese metropolitan status or any other status within the foreign structure is wholly inapplicable to Gomantak. The struggle of Gomantak is for liberty to roam freely in its land. Indulge in every kind of civil liberty, give expression to every kind of thought and action, and to promulgate social, economic and cultural activity. Does this exist today? Not even a ghost of it and instead of ushering this prosperity, new chains of slavery are replaced for the few snapped by the national movement !! Jai Hind Yours etc. EDDIE H. PEREIRA Elburgon. 4th January 1947 2nd Reaction PORTUGUESE METROPOLITAN STATUS FOR GOA Sir, -- I came across a letter dated the 4th January, written by Mr. Eddie Pereira, on the above subject, published in your Colonial Times of 18th January. From what your correspondent is writing it would appear that he is a hater of European races and is out to create some mischief. The Portuguese are not a stupid race as described by your correspondent. They are a Noble race and well known in the history of the world. It is universally known that Portugal is the oldest ally of Great Britain and as such she fought by her side in the World War I. In the World War II also she helped Great Britain by giving some territorial facilities, and sheltering many refugees of the Allies. The inhabitants of Goa are unanimously happy at the news of political statute granted to Goa by the Lisbon government by which Goa becomes a Province of Portugal and they love Portugal more than ever. The international laws cannot easily be understood by the layman. It is absurd to say that the people of Goa have no civil liberties when they all enjoy equality, liberty, and fraternity. It might be rightly said that they live in highest Portuguese traditions. If your correspondent is still in obscurity as to the real position of Goa, he would do well if he would be in contact with the Authorities in Goa who would put him in the right direction. Further, he should also know that no useful purpose can be gained by making a subversive propaganda against his country on a foreign soil. Yours etc., PRO PATRIA Kampala 4th February, 1947 3rd Reaction PORTUGUESE METROPOLITAN STATUS FOR GOA “Pro Patria, Where Art Thou ? Sir,- Judas, I spit on your face. Pro Patria, why don’t you call yourself Traitor? You have not the courage to reveal your name or identity and ordinarily an anonymous letter would receive but little attention. Let me get down and entertain your audacity. 1. “Pro Patria” thinks I am a hater of European races – I am glad he has labeled me so. He would have done better justice had he referred to the dictionary for a stronger word than

  • silver . 3+ yrs. ago

hi, good blog but i wish to point out some mistakes. 1. Kerala is not flanked by karnataka and andhra pradesh but it is karnataka and tamil nadu. 2. There is no language called goan, instead a number of languages are spoken in goa, including portugese, marati and hindi. 3. The middle east boom is coming to an end in kerala now, its main incomes are from tourism and beverage consumption. Still lot of money comes from abroad, esp. from europe and us, than gulf.

  • Joz . 3+ yrs. ago

GOA economy mainly consists of foreign remittance, tourism, mining(iron ore and manganese), agriculture and fisheries, small scale industries in SEZs.

Kerala economy mainly consists of foreign remittance, Services sectors, Tourism, IT and small to medium scale industries, banking and finance, agriculture including spices and natural rubber, fisheries, media and communication.

Languages wise 97% of Kerala population speak Malayalam and in Goa the languages spoken are Konkani 61%, Marathi 19%, Kannada 7&, Hindi 5%, Urudu 4% and others 4%.

  • sound of Goa . 3+ yrs. ago

whos is this idiot? who has written this? he seems to be not from Goa? he has not seen any temple in Goa which has historical significance.

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