Viagra vs. Cialis

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Difference between Viagra and Cialis

We are living in a new age where scientists have come up with innovations in medicines including treatments for many conditions such as the treatment of impotency (erectile dysfunction) in men. Viagra is one such product that was developed by Pfizer, a pharmaceutical company. Another recent result of drug innovation is Tadalafil, which is the chemical name for the product Cialis. This product is also used to treat male patients who have complications in continuing an erection to orgasm. It is imperative to comprehend the working and effects of both the medicines before making the choice of which one to consume.



Viagra’s success came soon after its FDA approval on March 27, 1998, even though it was patented in 1996. Shortly after it was legally prescribed and resulting rise in sales, it gained wide popularity and produced effective results. Initially, this medicine was used to treat the patient’s suffering from Angina (heart disease).

The approval of the Cialis was gained on November 21, 2003, though it was introduced to the public at the beginning of that year. The preliminary marketing of this drug was done by joint venture of Eli Lilly and ICOS Corporation named Lilly ICOS.

Lasting Duration

The effect of Viagra starts taking place usually after 30 minutes but in rare cases it has also taken place in as early as 14 minutes. As the effect of Viagra can be different from person to person so can be the lasting duration. Usually, the effects of Viagra last about four hours.

On the other hand, the effects of Cialis last for around 24 to 36 hours in most cases. In exceptional cases, it has been found that a man is able to produce one or more orgasms. Usually, after the taking Cialis, and within 36 hours, the maintenance of an erection through to orgasm is achieved only once.


Though both are taken in pill form, they can be distinguished by their color and shape. While Viagra is in blue color and diamond shaped with the numbers (25, 50 and 100) that represents the pill’s strength.

On the other hand, Cialis is a peanut shaped, yellow in color pill with C ‘strength’ imprinted on a single side of the tablet.


There is not much of a difference in the pricing of either pill. Some that can be listed is as follows:

  • Viagra came into existence much before earlier than Cialis.
  • It was a struggle for Viagra to get approval from the FDA but approval was much easier for Cialis.
  • Viagra lasts for four hours whereas Cialis has the lasting capacity of 24 to 36 hours.

Basically, even though both of drugs serve the same purpose, the chief deciding factor is the lasting duration.


comments 1 Comments

  • Joey . 3+ yrs. ago

Try Levitra. I have had real good experiences both pre and post op. Kicks in in about 45 minutes. I can tell when its working, like you I get flushed ( almost feels like the blood pressure is high). If I don't feel flushed I know its not going to work. Best case is on an empty stomach. Two hours after eating and no alcohol. Like I posted before a combination of levitra, some fondling, then pump when your feeling flush and I am good to go. Just need a partner now ;)

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