Web 1.0 vs. Web 2.0: Static and Dynamic

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Difference between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0

In one way or another Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 are two terms to basically define the "stages" of the development and progress of the Internet. As confusing as it may seem, both terms simply refer to phases that the world wide web essentially went through (Web 1.0) and is going through at the moment (Web 2.0). Both words encompass the different phenomena happening within the world wide web and the similar and different characteristics of each.

Web 1.0
Web 2.0

Phases 1.0 and 2.0

Web 1.0 may be accepted as "read only", which pertains to a simpler and less technical version of the world wide web. It can be considered to have begun in the year 1991, when www. was introduced and accepted as part of human-helpful technology and is stated to have ended in the year 2003, just before the era when Web 2.0 began.

Web 2.0 defines the more interactive and dynamic phase of the www. If Web 1.0 is synonymous to "read only", Web 2.0 can be associated with the terms "read-write". It has created more opportunities for Internet users to participate into broader communication, in the forms of blogging and micro-blogging websites, social networking capabilities and other more refined and advanced technologies.

Distinctive Qualities

Web 1.0 was considered to be more static and did not give many opportunities to users to actually participate in its evolution. Basically, it dealt with companies and their needs, with services being advertised and sold across the Internet. All users had initially was dial-up modem capabilities which was sufficient for connection (at the time) but nevertheless slow. Dial Up is no longer usable in today's era which makes use of broadband technology for speed (which is web 2.0).  To make the concept more understandable, an analogy can be used. Web 1.0 may be considered as an ordinary telephone, while Web 2.0 can be referred to as the mobile or cellular phone. Web 1.0 is the original concept, simple and static. Web 2.0 is the upgrade.

Web 2.0, as mentioned earlier, is an upgrade of Web 1.0. Web 2.0 focuses on building communities, evidently seen in the widespread propagation of blog sites and social networking. Speedier connection, more interactive websites, user-participation in building and spreading information are all features of Web 2.0.

Moving On

While Web 1.0 cradles the roots of the world wide web, Web 2.0 defines the present and creates a setting for its future. Web 1.0 was the beginning, and it was more focused on how to start things up. Web 2.0, being more advanced, centered on not just creating communities, but it gave more importance to how Internet users' behaviors evolve, as compared to Web 1.0's simplistic language and make-up.

Word is that the world wide web already consists today of the beginnings of Web 3.0, which can be described as enabling interaction not just among users, but amongst applications as well.


  • Web 1.0 and 2.0 are developmental "phases" of the world wide web.
  • Web 1.0 focused on creation of application and programs, while Web 2.0 focused on interaction amongst users.
  • Web 2.0 encompasses the evolving phenomena of the ever present neural net known as the world wide web.

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