Vitamin B6 vs. Vitamin B12

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Difference between Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B12

Vitamins are essential to our well being, without vitamins we would become nutritionally deficient. As foods become more and more processed, it's harder to get essential vitamins from these processed foods. We often take synthetic vitamins in a form of a pill to fill in any vitamin deficiencies. However, synthetic vitamins are not the real thing, and have limited benefits. Nevertheless, eating a healthy balance diet of fruits vegetables, nuts, yogurt, milk and meats will fill any vitamin deficiencies you may have. Two of the most important vitamins which are vital for our survival are vitamin B6 and vitamin B12.

Vitamin B6
Vitamin B12

Background of Vitamins

Vitamin B6 is also known by "pyridoxine" vitamin B6 is responsible for synthesis of neurotransmitters. Deficiency of vitamin B6 can affect your nerves, skin, and mucus membrane as well as your red blood cells. Vitamin B12 also known as "Cobalamin" which affects your nerves, and blood cells, in addition it works with folic acid for the proper formation of DNA. Deficiency of vitamin B12 can result in dementia, and some other neurological dysfunctions. If you suspect that you are experiencing these side effects, you should contact your doctor immediately, as this could be a sign of an inability to absorb B vitamins.

Sources of Vitamins

Sources of vitamin B6 can include cereal, grains, legumes, meat, liver, milk. Basically it can be found in variety of foods. Sources of vitamin B12 can include, chicken, yogurt, milk, boiled eggs, and some fruits and dry fruits.

Vitamins In The Human Body

Vitamin B12 is water soluble, and amazingly it can be stored in the human body for several years, so deficiency is rare. Vitamin B6 is water soluble, and therefore cannot be stored in the body; the body will naturally excrete excess vitamin B6 via urination. For vitamin B12 adults 18 and over should take 2.6 micrograms per day. For vitamin B6 adults 18 and over should take 1.3 milligrams a day. However, please do note that one must consult their doctors before taking any pill form of vitamins. This dosage information should not be taken literally.

Large doses of vitamin B6 can cause some neurological disorders and may cause numbness. On the other hand no information is available on overdose of vitamin B12. However, one must immediately see a doctor, if he or she experiencing these side effects.


  • Vitamins are vital for our survival, without vitamins we cannot survive.
  • Two of the most important vitamins are vitamin B6 and B12.
  • Deficiencies in both vitamins can affect proper neurological functions.
  • Sources of vitamin B6 can include cereals, meats, milk etc... and sources of vitamin B12 can include, chicken, eggs, milk etc...
  • Although vitamin B12 is water soluble, it can be stored easily in the human body for several years; In addition, vitamin B6 is excreted via urination on a regular basis.
  • If you are taking B vitamins in a pill form, then you should read the dosage information on the back label.
  • Overdoses can result if you are taking vitamin pills or have taken one too many, consult your doctor or your poison control hotline.

Vitamin B6 Video


Vitamin B12 Video


comments 1 Comments

  • Judie . 3+ yrs. ago

vitamins have the oppostie effect on weight gain. vitamins make the body far more efficient. Food is broken down more readily, digested and disposed of much faster.

To gain weight, you need to beef up on protein like a crazy person, and lift to your maximum once per week, per muscle group. The protein helps you bounce back faster, not gain weight.

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