Scuba Diving vs. Snorkeling

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Difference between Scuba Diving and Snorkeling

Sports are something that everyone can enjoy whether it is a collective or an individual effort. Sports are not only restricted to the ground anymore and water sports have gained equal popularity. You can adopt these as your hobbies or even take it as professional career the option is wide open for you to choose. Snorkeling and Scuba are amongst the two water sports that are the most popular ones when it comes to water sports.

What They Are

Scuba diving is a form of swimming underwater while using a scuba set that makes it easier for an individual to breathe underwater and this method is used for moneymaking, business or amusement purposes. Whereas snorkeling is an activity which lets a swimmer scrutinize sea life with the least amount of equipment on him and training as well and still have the same protection like on a regular sea. You can even maximize your skills when it comes to scuba diving, as snorkeling hardly requires any training or skills at all. You just need to know the basic knowledge for swimming and you are ready to snorkel.

The Disadvantages Involved

Scuba can be very costly, as you have to carry a scuba gear or pay more when taking it along. When you are going for scuba diving, you usually need to have a boat and there are people who might experience motion sickness and therefore will not enjoy the final jump. Whereas with snorkeling, your luggage areas may be constructed sine the snorkeling and mark will take up place but you can buy it for a relatively cheap price on the spot as well. You need to be fully aware, as anything is unexpected in the underwater world as you are unaware of what danger may be lurking nearby.


When it comes to water, many safety measures need to be taken as you may be putting your life in danger. You need to be aware of your medical reports and certifications and consult a dive chart. If you have any type of allergies, are asthmatic, you need to be extra careful since the situation can worsen and lung damage can occur as well. In addition, if you are planning to leave your children home, you will need to arrange a reliable baby sitter as factors such as leaving your children with complete strangers is also a problem. Last but not the least; you need to be aware of the life insurance policies that you have.

Similarities and Differences

One cannot decide between these two sports as they have their own factors and reasons of being so popular but if you look at them potentially, snorkeling is a lot safer than scuba because:

  • You are not completely underwater, are pretty much on the surface, and cruise around to look at corals and fishes. This lessens the risks of danger.
  • It can be an easy to pass time and the equipment can be rented from any holiday destination spot at a reasonable price.

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